Is There Anyplace To Buy Land Cheap Here?

With some of the crazy prices I have seen here, it is cheaper to buy many places in Europe(and I don't mean Eastern Ukraine!)
Yes, Greece and Southern Italy seem to be ten times less expensive than Sierra de la Ventana, but when you factor the yerbamate importation fees and all the other delights of life in Argentina....

In France however you can totally purchse overpriced yerba mate directly from Argentine-themed restaurants,
Since this is LoveG0d we're talking about let's try and find something in the least French part of France,
et voila!
you can't have it all! and you dont have to go to bankrupt Greece or almost Africa s Italy for those prices
McKenna go for it I'll spread the word of the "ganga"!Dale,che!
Look up the province of Córdoba; Traslasierra, Mina Clavero, Villa General Belgrano (that might be a bit more expensive) or Sierra de la Ventana in the province of Buenos Aires.
Wineguy999, can't help wonder why the german houses you posted are so cheap? Are taxes incredibly high? What's the deal?
Have 500 Euro to spare? Here's what you can get in Germany:
Wineguy999, can't help wonder why the german houses you posted are so cheap? Are taxes incredibly high? What's the deal?

Usually when old buildings are dirt cheap in Germany, it's because the buyer is required to restore the building to its original splendor. So if you can afford to do all of the restoration (or you have the patience and the knowledge to do so), then you can buy the property dirt cheap.

THEN the money starts flying out the window.
Iam wondering, why is steve's offer to letting a gringo to perhaps becoming his new neighbour not taken yet?
Is the scrutiny too rigorous or is it that the offer to buy his division land is a bit too pricey? I hope his land will be
still available till my coming by..Who knows, I might like the region and become steve's neighbour!
Is it "logical" to say a parcel of land is "a bit too pricy" without seeing it and knowing what's around it?

In 1973 I made my first property purchase over the phone and over a thousand miles from the location of the lot, but I had seen it once, six months earlier.

I moved to the town in which it was located two years later and I was ridiculed by a member of the city council (when I applied for a business license) for having paid more money by the square foot than anyone had ever paid in the history of the town.

The lot measured 16.5 x 75 feet and cost $14,000 (USD).

Here's a photo of the building (next door to The Egyptian Theater) that I built on the lot in 1979:


Does anyone (who does not already know my history) know the name of the town just by seeing the photo?