It's Raining

One thing I like about here, is that there all those small shops, artisans, small business, that work a for a reasonable price. In Italy they have disappeared, replaced by large malls. The only artisans left are either very expensive or not skilled.

But I still have to test their quality. Yesterday we were shopping for furnitures and visited a lumberjack' store. It was all nice and cheap, but the drawers don't have the rails, and the knobs have a 5 cm long screw pointing inward. I had IKEA stuff in my old house, and it was more advanced than that! Am I missing something?
Just bought furniture from the lumberjack place (they are all over) and the draws are similar. They work fine, better quality and cheaper than ikea like stuff (but not as good) that you can get at Easy. you can put rubber stops on the screws so they don´t mess your clothes, haven´t missed the rails.
None of you guys can fix anything?
Is this a class thing, or an age thing?

I grew up taking apart, and fixing everything- I thought all american boys did.

And umbrella is incredibly simple- a pair of needlenose pliers and a few inches of thin wire can fix just about anything on an umbrella, along with a needle and thread.

Watch repair, or resoling shoes, I could understand, but umbrellas?

Lemme guess- you have never changed the oil in a car, either, and when the cord fails on an appliance, you throw away the whole fridge?

I think there's a song there-
in order to fix something you need knowledge, materials and tools. You just lost 99% of the 'clientèle' here. They can barely be users let alone fabricators. Cool song.