For me culture or attractive looking people will never cancel out the stress of the incredible noise and pollution from vehicles of all kinds. In smaller towns in arg., sure its quieter, but just one bus or car will blacken the street or wake you up at 5am.
Noise and pollution, it should almost be written on their flag. nothing can cancel out how overwhelming it is, and its a pity, as mufflers, catalytic converts and ummm headlights have been around a long time. why have a govt. that does nothing. whats the point.
Anyway, to live in arg., you must cope with air pollution at street level, noise like you never heard (who knew 1 car could be that loud), and litter and trash.
Noise and pollution, it should almost be written on their flag. nothing can cancel out how overwhelming it is, and its a pity, as mufflers, catalytic converts and ummm headlights have been around a long time. why have a govt. that does nothing. whats the point.
Anyway, to live in arg., you must cope with air pollution at street level, noise like you never heard (who knew 1 car could be that loud), and litter and trash.