The idea that Reagan encouraged Galtieri to invade the Falkands is a little hard to take in, to put it mildly.
Still $ 95 billion dollars in debt + interest pales in comparison with the public debt in Europe, the US and Japan, the consumer debt in the US. or China's private debt, all of them well above $ 10,000,000,000,000 ! Moreover, there is a demographical problem in the US, Europe, Japan and China in that there are ever less working people and ever more retirees. Since the GDP of the US + Europe + China + Japan is more or less 2/3 of the world's GDP and there are debts for over 100% of GDP and there are ever more expenses and there is ever less income (because of the demographic evolution), I think it is not just Argentina who has a debt problem. I think the whole world is facing a debt crisis that just won't go away (unless with hyperinflation).
Sometimes our adept ability to get to the Falklands or Obamacare from any possible topic is downright dizzying.
The debt crisis is bogus - the problem is economic stagnation due to lack of demand, which requires greater public investment rather than less. Except in erratic countries like Argentina, inflation is at historic lows. At some point, debt could become a problem, but it's not now.
Also what reparations are you talking about?
I rather believe in the Austrian school than in Keynes. I think worldwide debt at current levels, given the demographic evolution, IS a problem. I know it is a problem, because I see society is changing. I was taught to earn and save money to work towards financial independence. I was taught that private property was a right one could deserve. Tough recently, I got scared, because I hear more and more people verbally attack people with savings. Nowadays, if you have money, it does not sound anymore that you have earned it, but that you have been exploiting. There are a lot of people (at least in Europe) crying for wealth taxes, taking the money from the "few" and distributing it to the "needy". If there would be no debt problem, people would not be questioning private property.