Just assaulted I feel not good at all


I think you should report it. THe knife hmmm... well I know everybody will say dont bring one well I do sometimes. ITs for scaring somebody <I just dont want to be in a life or death situation(which does happen here more frequently day by day if you read the newspapers) and cursing I dont have anything to proctect myself with. My wife(porteña) recommends I take one. Another option is carry mace! I am considering buying one.
I think I need to correct a mistake It is not for scaring anybody its only to be used in the upmost extreme case. In your case producing a knife in that situation would not have helped you. Emergency only!
mick0 said:
Today near my subway station, I tried to help an old person pushed by a bunch of teenagers, and tried to make them understand it was not a way to act (of course in spanish)
what you did was right, standing up for an old person who was harassed - that is how a real macho acts, up yours with the consequences.

But as for carrying a weapon, this is what I was taught by very experienced folks.

These are The Rules:

1. Never pull a weapon unless you are prepared to use it.

2. Never carry a handgun unless you are a crack shot or at least an experienced gunner. Hitting innocent bystanders is a real and serious risk.

3. Never show a knife unless you are a trained knife fighter - your opponent may be one and respond accordingly.

Please ignore suggestions from people who have never "been there and done that".

I don't want to waste a whole day attending your funeral for no good reason.

You have my respect, Mick0
Lee said:
Well remember that those packs of homeless glue sniffing thugs have nothing absolutely nothing to lose. They love to fight and to terrify those who they see as weaker than them (such as you witnessed with the elderly person).

Once they go after a target the group mentality takes over and anything is possible! They are to be avoided at all cost. Do not even make eye contact with them...much less confront them.

Unfortunately they sense weakness and not making eye contact is usually construed as such.

The notion of carrying a knife is silly -- even if the carrier knew how to wield one.

The most important thing is not to show weakness, not to show oneself as intimidated -- even if the poise is fake.
Like said BBW, it's also about the image one projects.
And quite obviously, regarding the guns & the fact you have been in shock even if you've reacted well initially (Real problem would be not to react when an ancient gets molested), it wouldn't be safe for you to have one (a shotgun at home is ok, its reach is 25 meters, neighbors are unlikely to be injured).

Your worst enemy here is to be afraid and if this reads on your face, because this attracts more future problems.

I heard from three Pibes chorros themselves talking about people who have cara de victima. Although they have a low IQ, no or little education, they know that it's easier to attack someone weak.

Better than guns (dangerous for everybody), maybe would it be better to take some basic Self-Defence lessons, not in fact to potentially use them, but to know that if that's really needed, you have the knowledge to knock someone down. This could give you a better "image" in the street.

Also, I read in the thread they are talking "glue" but who knows? I guess it's always important to try to understand their state of mind & what they're on : if that's glue, they might indeed be crazy but they are slow, alcohol also can make slow but makes violent too, if it's paco, coke there's danger, if it's pot it's less dangerous, etc.

I've still not given anything from my own will in BA (but I've been in quite a few "more than borderline" situations) -but of course I've been scammed. Worst situation I lived ended up with nothing happening (and it could have been really bad).

Let's hope that all those new schools opening in Argentina will lead to great future generations!
French jurist said:
Although they have a low IQ, no or little education, they know that it's easier to attack someone weak.

I lived in India for a while, where monkeys run free and can be quite aggressive. They can sense the slightest indication of backing off, and it will cause them to close in.