Kicillof Pays To 92% Of Bondholders, Griesa's Move Now?

Except you ignore the part of your sources which contradict you (e.g. the "bicicleta financiera" in this thread).

Anyway, no big deal
100 billion US$ debts (three times as much as they inherited from the dictatorship) were incurred by the democratic governments, who then wasted and stole all of it. Who is to blame for that, except the Argentines, who elect corrupt criminals?

Pagina12 is not a reliable source, but a government propaganda machine.
100 billion US$ debts (three times as much as they inherited from the dictatorship) were incurred by the democratic governments, who then wasted and stole all of it. Who is to blame for that, except the Argentines, who elect corrupt criminals?

Pagina12 is not a reliable source, but a government propaganda machine.

Página/12's deterioration is a tragedy of Argentine journalism.
As for all the Argentine lies about judge Griesa:

If Griesa is biased, then The United States Court of Appeals (which acknowledged all important parts of his ruling) is biased, and the United States Supreme Court is also biased as it declined to hear Argentina's case, thus implicitly acknowledging Griesa's rulings - the whole world is against Argentina as always, the poor dears.

It is beyond me, how anyone can possibly believe a government, which has told everybody that the inflation was less than 11 percent in the years 2009 through 2013, and which has fined anyone who published the true figures.
A government, which claims that the holdouts won't negociate and then immediately after declines an invitation from the holdouts to negociate while the minister of economy is in New York.

"Vulture funds not interested in negotiations" claims Minister Kicillof

Hedge funds challenge Kicillof to meet them on Thursday in Washington

Los “buitres” presionan para que Kicillof los reciba hoy

Read: United States Court of Appeals ruling, NML Capital, Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina, Decided: October 26, 2012.
It exposes many of Argentina's lies. http://www.shearman....ision110512.pdf
I supply sources to my claims, you don't, re. e.g. 'is a sovereign state a legal person', above.
You don't even have the decency to acknowledge when I have proven you wrong.

Besides, you have the right to ask all the questions you feel like, but nobody is obliged to answer them.

I m the source because i m a lawyer.
I m not wrong, sorry, i m used to quote books, not links, but i do it every day when i argue with other professional of law.
When i talk with somebody like you i just make asserts and that is enough.
You don t understand básic concepts but ypu are too arrogant to realize it. You are blessed by ignorancy.

As i mentioned before, it is relevant.
You don t have good will, you have a check for doing propaganda.
So if a local criticizes something, it is propaganda, while if the same argument comes from a foreigner it's not? Does not make too much sense to me...

Don Alberto first tried to confuse you asserting that the debt was created by Alfonsin, not Videla.

This is not casual.

Alfonsin didn t recognize the debt taken by Videla.

If we talk about debt, Macri is taking loans but the money is partially used. Where are the 10 km subway per year???
Seems that he is using this loans he takes on the city to finance his campaign for presidency. To pay professional bloggers on Fb and forums is part of his campaign.

So, yes, it is relevant because to hide that he is local afects his credibility.
Don Alberto first tried to confuse you asserting that the debt was created by Alfonsin, not Videla.

This is not casual.

Alfonsin didn t recognize the debt taken by Videla.

If we talk about debt, Macri is taking loans but the money is partially used. Where are the 10 km subway per year???
Seems that he is using this loans he takes on the city to finance his campaign for presidency. To pay professional bloggers on Fb and forums is part of his campaign.

So, yes, it is relevant because to hide that he is local afects his credibility.

It seems you're confusing Macristas with Camporistas.