Kindle Book Club? Or the like?

I read state of wonder for march but the meeting was cancelled (no problem with that!). But I got no news about it later so I'm in a state of wonder :)
Did the meeting ever happen? I read the book and I enjoyed it! But I read 4 or 5 books a week so the details are becoming fuzzy.
Hi, is this book club still active? I've just moved to Buenos Aires and I'm looking to join a book club, and this sounds like an excellent idea! Thanks, Mary
I read the book (state of wonder) but as far as I know the meeting never took place...
I'm still interested in joining a book club if someone wants to as well, I'm in!
i have just moved to ba and would love to be a part of this, if in fact it is in existence! i have an iPad and a love of books :)