Long Hot Summer ...power Cuts

Yep, that's me on the same substation as the foreign affairs building. We lost power for a few hours, luckily during daylight. just long enough for the kids to lose their excitement about the blackout and not too long that it was dark in the apartment.
I did think that that is the last time I make a sweeping statement like "we don't get power cuts" cos it was bound to call up Mr Murphy and his laws.
Yep, that's me on the same substation as the foreign affairs building. We lost power for a few hours, luckily during daylight. just long enough for the kids to lose their excitement about the blackout and not too long that it was dark in the apartment.
I did think that that is the last time I make a sweeping statement like "we don't get power cuts" cos it was bound to call up Mr Murphy and his laws.

I've lived here for about two and a half years now and we've never lost electricity that I can remember due to equipment problems or shut-offs, so I don't blame you for making such a statement :)

However, our particular building (and about half the block from Juncal towards Arenales on Basavilbaso) has had problems in the past related to a power cable that runs through the basement of a building on the other side of Juncal (towards Libertador). When it rained, about every third time we would lose electricity. It would be like a brown-out. The lights would dim, go back up, then dim for awhile to where you almost couldn't see, then finally go out. Turned out that the basement where the cable ran was filling with water and they had an old sump pump that would fail every so often. I was talking to one guy soon after I'd moved in who told me that this problem had existed for at least twenty years!

Fortunately, we hadn't lost power in over a year due to that and I was quite disappointed when we lost it yesterday. Heh.
BlackoutI...!!was a Sabotage? Ministro DeVido reported, a golpista pulled down an electrical switch?
DeVido willl file criminal charges against the Saboteurs....???
I live in Caballito and have noticed that the blackouts have progressively gotten worse over the past 2 and a half years. Two weeks ago we lost power for two days from the rain and last night the power was out from 11pm until 5am. The people across the street had power and, after they turned our power on, the people across the street lost theirs. The infrastructure has needed to be updated for many many many years and between all of the new buildings going up in what were once semi-suburban neighborhoods (lots of antique houses around here) I fear that it will only get worse.
Stop relying on air conditioning. Temperature goes up so on goes the A/C so the power demand peaks and the system falls over.

Look at all the old houses with their high ceilings. ever thought why?

Climate change requires both mitigation and adaptation. Squandering power is no solution.

'human right to air conditioning' doesnt exist any more than there is a 'human right to own/drive a car'
For the electronics enthusiasts and other discerning engineering types among you:

What can you tell me about the cleanliness of the power frequency in residential BsAs power? Should I bring a power conditioner for high-value electronics?

Personally, I'm inclined to think that if it can handle Yerevan power, it can handle anything. :)
Power came back on last night after a 24 hour outtage. There are two big generators parked at the corner of the road. However now the water is out. Stock up on bottled water people, having no water sucks.
Last summer we had a horrible 2 day power outage in Villa Devoto. It hit right during the peak of a heat wave too. Nothing you can do but lay still during the middle of the day and then go up on the room at night to finally cool down.