Long term friends?

Hi Alice!

I have just moved to Buenos Aires to live with my Argentine boyfriend as well :) I am 24 and graduated from UCLA a little over a year ago. I am here for the long haul (arrived 2 weeks ago and planning to stay a few years) - and I am already feeling the loss of having my good girlfriends around. I love to swim and bodysurf, although I am slightly out of shape now and I have also decided that I am going to take up tennis (I had my first lesson yesterday).
Do you want to meet up for some vino and cheese to chit-chat?
KatharineAnn said:
I wish it were that easy to befriend locals...I've had an interestingly hard time making real friends. They're always nice and friendly, but real friends? The closest I've gotten to a real Argentine friend so far is a Uruguayan one. Go figure, she is also a 'foreigner'.

I'm also here long term and am also 23 with an Argie boyfriend. I'm up for going out for coffee, or maybe pizza (and wine!) sometime if you want. My emails EyezOnMe15@hotmail.com

I kinda disagree, because I'm a local here in BA, and I've met several people from this website and also through my english teacher, she's from connecticut, and introduced me to many expats, and we became friends. Maybe it's because I lived in the states in the past and I can relate to them in many things.

Well, I'm up for going out sometime, just to let you all know that we locals are friendly and we don't bite :p. My email is vazkito20@hotmail.com.


my wife and I are (suprize) from california and are here for a long while...let us know or if its girlsnight ill pass it along...

Add me in please, I've been here 2 years and would love to meet long-term friends. I'm 34, from NYC originally, am a consultant so am working here, ride, do pilates 3x a week, love wine & shopping & spas.

And while I hate to be that girl, I would love to have some girl friends to do brunch/shopping/mani/pedi, etc on the weekends, I miss having girl time.
BA_local said:
I kinda disagree, because I'm a local here in BA, and I've met several people from this website and also through my english teacher, she's from connecticut, and introduced me to many expats, and we became friends. Maybe it's because I lived in the states in the past and I can relate to them in many things.

Well, I'm up for going out sometime, just to let you all know that we locals are friendly and we don't bite :p. My email is vazkito20@hotmail.com.



You're also not the typical local person - the typical porteño has probably never had a serious conversation with a foreigner in his entire life, apart from MAYBE his English teacher. Of course it's relatively easy to make friends with that very reduced portion of the population who happens to be very interested in foreigners and other cultures. Now, if you just want to have a group of friends to have beers and pizzas with, not fancy cafés in recoleta, it gets a little harder to break into the average porteño's well-formed, and well-protected, social circle. I'm guessing it's like this in any city, really! Just that language and cultural differences make things a bit more difficult.. I don't know if anyone else agrees, but after 2.5 years of being a foreigner here, this is what I've experienced (and I am pretty integrated compared to many expats, it's just hard to make that final step and be seen as 'one of them')
KatharineAnn said:
You're also not the typical local person - the typical porteño has probably never had a serious conversation with a foreigner in his entire life, apart from MAYBE his English teacher. Of course it's relatively easy to make friends with that very reduced portion of the population who happens to be very interested in foreigners and other cultures. Now, if you just want to have a group of friends to have beers and pizzas with, not fancy cafés in recoleta, it gets a little harder to break into the average porteño's well-formed, and well-protected, social circle. I'm guessing it's like this in any city, really! Just that language and cultural differences make things a bit more difficult.. I don't know if anyone else agrees, but after 2.5 years of being a foreigner here, this is what I've experienced (and I am pretty integrated compared to many expats, it's just hard to make that final step and be seen as 'one of them')

Well, you might be right about me not being the typical local person, but I've had beers and pizza with expats I met through this website and also with expats I met through my english teacher. I think it depends, cause if you want the real experience with someone that never had a serious conversation with a foreigner, it might get a little complicated, maybe because of the language barrier or maybe because there are no commonalities between you and them.

This is why I guess local guys like me enjoy having a nice conversation with foreigners, and maybe it will be a little bit easier for expats to integrate and feel more comfortable here, specially if they don't speak spanish at all.


Hey everyone,
Im Krissy. 22 years old. From San Diego California, Just graduated from UCSB. Studied spanish here for 2 months loved it and decided to return. I love sports and working out and being outside- im a yoga and maté addict. and continually looking for the best empanadas.
I love meeting new people.

if alice is not arranging it, lets have a ladies night get together. I live in recoleta..

Looking forward to meeting you all,
Postponed until furthernotice!!! I am too tired to do anything but sleep this weekend... If anyone wants to organize an event anyway, ask me to send you the email list for everyone who responded to this post!
Hi Alice and everyone im 23 and been living here 8 monthes because of argy boyfriend it be great to meet up sometime i live in palermo .drop me a line sometime my email isobelhyde@yahoo.com im english and used to study art but now work in fashion .All the best isobel
Ok. November has been and will continue to be an incredibly overwhelming month but December... I promise... I will try to arrange a brunch in the park event (not sure just what day or just what park!) I know I said we would try to make this a monthly event so if anyone wants to organize a November even... let me know!