Long Weekend Twice in 1 Month?!

The official list of feriados this year:
20 y 21 de Febrero( Lunes y Martes) Carnaval
27 de Febrero ( Lunes) Día del Bicentenario de la Creación y Primera Jura de la Bandera Argentina
2 de Abril (Lunes) Día del Veterano y de los Caídos en la Guerra de Malvinas
6 de Abril ( Viernes) Viernes Santo
30 de Abril (Lunes) Feriado Puente Turístico
1° de Mayo( Martes) Día del Trabajador
25 de Mayo (Viernes) Día de la Revolución de Mayo
20 de Junio (Miércoles) Paso a la Inmortalidad del General Manuel Belgrano
9 de Julio ( Lunes ) Día de la Independencia
24 de Diciembre ( Lunes) Feriado Puente Turístico
25 de Diciembre Martes Navidad
17 de Agosto *( Lunes 20 de Agosto) Paso a la Inmortalidad del General José de San Martín
12 de Octubre* ( Lunes 8 de Octubre) Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural
20 de Noviembre *(Lunes 26 de Noviembre) Día de la Soberanía Nacional

Citygirl, you have seemed to missed January1, March 24 Truth and Justice day,June 18 Flag Day, Nov 6 Bank Day, and Dec.8 Immaculate Conception Day.....or shall we say Christina's Day when these people will believe anything I tell them(ha ha) Let s not forget every Monday.....O What The Shit,I m Tired Day!
james p said:
Citygirl, you have seemed to missed January1, March 24 Truth and Justice day,June 18 Flag Day, Nov 6 Bank Day, and Dec.8 Immaculate Conception Day.....or shall we say Christina's Day when these people will believe anything I tell them(ha ha) Let s not forget every Monday.....O What The Shit,I m Tired Day!

bank day is not a holiday, flag day is june 20 not 18 (and she did write it)
I didn't put Jan 1 on there since it's already happened and I figured we all knew that one was a holiday.

You're correct about Mar 24 and Dec 18 but they fall on a Saturday so I didn't put in on there (this was my work planning calendar)
For YanquiGallego. I am giggling at you. I know. I can hardly believe it myself. I never know, when I leave my apartment, if it will be another holiday-I've been surprised so many times. I'm not against it at all. It depends on what people want. Only people don't seem to understand that the employer is going to lower wages to make up for the lost days so don't complain about low pay if half the year is going to be days off from work. But you know what they say, "When in Rome . . . . . "