looking for good bread

Curious but how much would you be willing to pay for a loaf of Sourdough?
L´epi is one of the best bakeries in the city. Now I gotta try the one on Azcuenaga that it is only 1 block from me :)
I've researched this one. The closest to a traditional baguette u will find is L'Epi. There r 2 locations. One is on Montevideo in Recoleta. Croissants and pain chocolate and raise swirl is at the Alvear Boutique bakery on Ayacucho. Also if u r into parillas their staggered baguette is great for chori pan. For whole grain breads go to Hausbrot. Right now at El galpon in Chacarita getting farm butter to go w bread.
The owners of L'epi are famous chefs, they have their own TV show on El Gourmet (channel 56 in Cablevisión). I'm sure their bread is great.

I made bread with all the ingredients that David mentioned and the result is really tasty bread. I made it with sunflower seeds and flax seeds, olive oil, dry yeast, whole-wheat flour and all-purpose flour (because of the lack of gluten of whole-wheat you need to add regular flour or gluten flour), honey, coarse salt and dark brown sugar (azúcar negra). I also applied the method of putting a pan with water in the oven. Thanks, David!

Oops, sorry for the size of the picture. I also added wheat bran. Here is the list of ingredients if someone decides to make it.

1 3/4 cups of all purpose-flour
1/4 cup of wheat bran
2 cups of whole-wheat flour
1 package of dry yeast (10 gr.)
Lukewarm water (about 1 1/2 cups)
Seeds to taste (about 3/4 cup)
2 tsp coarse salt
1/4 cup of olive oil
2 tbsp of dark brown sugar
1 tbsp of honey
1 tbsp of white sugar (to feed the yeast)

I let the dry yeast with about 1/2 cup of lukewarm water and the white sugar in a closed tupper for about 5 minutes. In a separate bowl I mixed the flours with the wheat bran and I added the coarse salt previously dissolved in lukewarm water, I mixed well and added the yeast and the rest of the ingredients. Kneaded the dough for about 10 minutes (this is important because you activate the gluten), sprinkle some oil and cover the dough with it (to prevent it from getting a crust) and cover it and let it rise for 2 hours. After that I kneaded it again for about 5 minutes and let it rise in a pan again for 30 minutes. I made three cuts on top and baked it with a pan with water in the oven for about 40 minutes in a preheated oven at medium-hight heat.

Good luck!
Lucininiz, that bread looks abosolutely wonderful, and I am glad that you found my posting helpful. The only thing I do differently is I allow for much longer kneading and rising times. It gives the bread a lighter and fluffier center and my slow baking gives the crust a chewy consistency, that so many people like. I initially mix and then knead the dough for about 20 minutes and while I am kneading i roll the dough flat with a rolling pin, back into a ball then roll flat, and repeat this several times. This was taught to me by an old german lady named Hildegaard believe it or not. The initial rise time is 2 to 3 hours in a bowl, covered by a towel. The second kneading is about 20 minutes more of the same thing, then I work the dough once it's kneaded into a loaf pan, and let rise again, as much as 8 hours and sometimes overnight. Baking time is 40 minutes in a medium oven and then let shut the oven off and leave the bread inside the oven another 20 minutes with the oven off but still warm. The pan of water should be thin and aluminum so it heats up quickly and fills the oven with steam as soon as the oven heats up. Again your bread looks wonderful, enjoy!
a) there are a million old threads on this.
B) there is no good bread.

YES sourdough forget it...!! SF style....!!

However check BRÔT in Recoleta...!! Chiabata, panini, pain au chocolat, baguettes, croissants, pizza bread... Looks good!

Look no further, this is the best bread in the city. Le Pain Quitidien, on Jeronimo Salguero 3075. (Near Malba)