Lucininiz, that bread looks abosolutely wonderful, and I am glad that you found my posting helpful. The only thing I do differently is I allow for much longer kneading and rising times. It gives the bread a lighter and fluffier center and my slow baking gives the crust a chewy consistency, that so many people like. I initially mix and then knead the dough for about 20 minutes and while I am kneading i roll the dough flat with a rolling pin, back into a ball then roll flat, and repeat this several times. This was taught to me by an old german lady named Hildegaard believe it or not. The initial rise time is 2 to 3 hours in a bowl, covered by a towel. The second kneading is about 20 minutes more of the same thing, then I work the dough once it's kneaded into a loaf pan, and let rise again, as much as 8 hours and sometimes overnight. Baking time is 40 minutes in a medium oven and then let shut the oven off and leave the bread inside the oven another 20 minutes with the oven off but still warm. The pan of water should be thin and aluminum so it heats up quickly and fills the oven with steam as soon as the oven heats up. Again your bread looks wonderful, enjoy!