Lost Dni - Replaceable From Outside Argentina?


Jun 5, 2014
STOLEN or LOST - its gone.

I have copies of my document; permanent residency via decreto 4418/65 act 17 in 1978 when I first lived in Argentina.

I am outside of Argentina and wil be returning in December.

How do I go about replacing the DNI in order to travel TO Arg?

I want to avoid paying the entrance fee AND a replacement DNI - I had the old burgundy booklet.

Most likely you will need to report in the Argentinean embassy if you lost your DNI outside the country.
I'm not 100% certain about this - surely bajo_cero would know if he sees this - but it seems to me that the loss of your DNI would not prevent you from entering the country and would not require you to pay the entry fee.

I base this on the precaria I had while waiting for permanent residency, which I had lost at one point. I checked with my lawyer before leaving the country to make sure that it would be OK, and he told me yes. I left without problems, and when I came back in to the country I explained the issue and they found that I was a resident based on my passport (linked to my residency) and was allowed to pass without problems. And if you have a foreign passport (i.e., you are a resident here and not a citizen) you still have to have your passport and it gets stamped on entry.

As I understand it, the fact that you're a resident is not based on you having a DNI, but the DNI is used to identify yourself. If you lose your DNI, for example, AFIP can still come after you if you haven't been declaring taxes.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean you won't be held up a bit on entering the country based on normal bureaucratic issues or an immigrations official that has had a bad day...

But given that you have until December, I'd follow ArielFabian's comments and contact the nearest Argentine embassy and see if you can't get something more solid.
I don't think it's possible to get a DNI outside of Argentina.

Even when a consulate "issues" (or facilitates) a visa granting temporary or permanent residency I think it's necessary to obtain the DNI after entering Argentina.

As El Queso noted, your residency is linked to you passport number and an Argentine consulate should be able to give you a certificate of residency. Just be sure (in advance) that the airline will allow you to board with it in lieu of a DNI so you won't have to pay the entrance fee. Migraciones at EZE will be able to see you resident status based on your passport number.

The last time I "needed" one a certificate of residency cost $50 pesos at migraciones in BA.

The cost of "replacing" you DNI in Argentina shouldn't be very much...perhaps no more than $50 pesos. Even if you find you old DNI you will still be "required" to get a new one by the end of December, thanks to a "new" rule that the booklet DNI must be replaced with the plastic card DNI by then.

Hopefully, by December, you won't have been out of Argentina for more than two years and "test" how permanent a permanent visa really is.
Same thing happened to me as with ElQueso - when exiting the country (I had my precaria paper with me), the guy scanned my passport, clicked around for a minute and told me I'd already been approved as a permanent resident.
If I remember correctly (I read the local citizenship law couple of years back), even citizenship is not truly permanent, it has some time limit attached for being outside the country. I'm sure bajo cero would know this.
If you're a permanent resident in Argentina it's stamped in your passport every time you leave Argentina. Many, many years ago I traveled to Uruguay and forgot my DNI . I only had a photocopy, and immigrations wouldn't accept it since it wasn't a certified, notarized photocopy and they were hesitant to let me in until I got angry and told them to look me up in their damn computers. Alas the found me in their system and let me in. I agree that you should report it at the Argentine embassy or consulate and you also might need a police report as well.
Thanks everyone - I knew I was hoping for too much to try and get my DNI replaced outside the country.
Having had my passport stolen TWICE in the last 10 years, I am afraid I do not know which passport number is associated with my DNI- yet another issue. Yay me.
Reached someone at the local consulate, they still don't know how to handle permanent resident DNI for extranjeros outside the country - she is still trying to figure out new procedures.
She also politely tells me I no longer have permanent residency as I have lived outside Arg for 7 yrs. OOPS! I forgot that bit, and won't be making the mistake of offering up too much info again...
I know there are ways around that!
I will warn you. Ive been through the process of trying to A. replace a lost DNI card. B deal with the American consulate office in both Texas and Illinois. I am a Resedente Perminete and have one of the rare 9300 DNIs. I called the consulate office in Texas to get information on paperwork required to bring my car and SUV with me to argentina. The agents i delt with were completely useless. They refused to provide me with ANY information until i sent them a copy of my DNI so they could verify my status. They told me that you can ONLY get replacement DNIs in Argentina.

Long story short, if your going back to Argentina and lost your DNI card, your most likely going to get stuck paying the US entrance fee.
hey thanks ai bot for updating 10yr old information!