Lots Of Money Found. What Would You Do?

I don't get it.
Somebody tried to push a bundle of thousands of pesos into the deposit slot, couldn't get it to go in, thing was hanging half out and he didn't notice.
That is correct. They said the man was an elderly gentlemen. I have yet to meet him.
I have lost many times my phone in the back part of a taxi (always expensive phones), an they have alway call my mother that then call my brother to tell me to go and pick it up, of course every time i lost it i was quite wasted so but still it always nice to get back something that you give it for lost :p
I found a wallet on the seat in an outdoor cafe in Mendoza. Waited an hour and a half for the owner to come back. Never did. I located the owner through a business card in the wallet. At first he wouldn't take my call. Finally, he agreed to meet me. He showed up with 3 REALLY BIG GUYS. He thought it was a set-up for a robbery. That was my first lesson that no one trusts anyone here in Argentina.
I once dropped my waller full of (4-5) thousand dollars in my seat on board a Qatar Airways long distance flight. Before I boarded my onwards flight at Doha airport ( 4 hrs later), my wallet was returned by the Qatar staff, with not even one dollar lost!

Love the people of this world!
It was my first month here. Taxi driver was an arsehole, taxi meter count was 30 pesos by mistake I gave him 120 pesos thinking 100 was bill of 10. He never returned me back nothing and top of that I forgot my cellphone in his taxi. Never heard from him.
I knew GS would do the honorable thing..... he always does notwithstanding the dog poop bombing run. nobody's perfect!
In college, we were at a formal event at a hotel in Chicago and just outside the bathroom, there was $200 scattered around the floor, like someone had intentionally dropped it. It's not like it was all in one stack of 20s that fell out of someones pocket. Mind you, this is right in front of the bathroom where numerous people were walking right past it. After looking around for the hidden camera, my friend and I picked up the money, and found someone organizing the event. There was a DJ, so they made an announcement to come to the DJ booth if anyone had lost some money, and to identify the amount. Nobody came forward after about an hour, so we kept the money.

The funny part was, we first spoke to the guy checking IDs at the door, who said he would hang on to it in case anyone claimed it. Luckily, even at my young age at the time, I was wise enough to know that he was going to pocket the cash for himself, and we took ourselves to a nice dinner the next night, after doing our best in good faith to find the owner. And I'm pretty sure we never ended up on a hidden camera show either!

And of course Im glad to hear that GS turned in the money, though from reading this board I can understand how he might have some concerns about whether or not the money found its way back to its rightful owner. I like to think that someone working at a bank would do the right thing as well, especially considering that there must be some record that the transaction took place.