Macri , Dec 11Th End Of Cepo Foreign Exchange Restrictions

"When Macri says he’ll lift controls, he’s referring to unifying the different exchange rates into a higher dollar rate.”
The official and blue rate would merge at a level that reflects supply and demand. This will be closer to the blue in the beginning, but will drift down if and when net dollar inflows pick up as a result of better economic policies. A dollar flood is unlikely, but more dollars coming in and less capital fleeing the country would be beneficial for all residents regardless of immediate exchange rate effects because the country would be more prosperous, with all the externalities that entails (more security, more tampons, etc.) Inflation already reflects the blue value, so it is unlikely to go up if the cepo goes away. In the medium-to-long term, inflation will go down if the government stops printing money to finance irresponsible spending. You may say I'm a dreamer.
I'm sure he will try as hard as Obama tried to shut down gitmo on his first term lol
These tactics are getting a little old, they are nothing more than yet another distraction, trying to cause shock in the population and from what i see, they still work, if not, look at us talking about it
Nothing will happen , ......
Corruption is the "Natural Order" of things here and needs to be managed by a true professional: Macri. Shall be trading one form of horse-$hit for another: elections.
If you think the Ks are crooks wait until you see real pros in action.

I think all politicians are utterly corrupt psychopaths with only a few exceptions. But if he does open things back up then at least the Argentinians that want to will have the opportunity to compete effectively perhaps both in Argentina and Internationally. It would not take much for Argentina to be a mecca of opportunity just some freedom and open doors for things to flow.