Ed, I think we're talking a bit past each other. What K methods are you talking about? What ditching of morals are you talking about?
As I wrote, I think - in fact, to me it's quite obvious - that there is a big difference between encouraging corruption among proteges, cracking down on opponents, and not pursuing a case which it is - at this point in time - impossible to keep within the law and outside of politics.
One the one hand, there is favoring and tolerating own corruption, cracking down on the opposition, etc - all in the name of whatever ideals, in which case I largely agree with your point.
On the other hand, there is forbearing from raising absolute hell by prosecutions that - at this point - don't have a chance in hell of getting anyone to a better place.
This non-prosecuting is not being done to protect your friends, or punish your enemies. For all I know, Macri and a lot of his supporters would love to have a whole bunch of K's stewing in jail. But do you really think that if CFK gets indicted within the next 6 months, on valid grounds, that it would go anywhere? Would La Campora not paralyze the country with demonstrations and more? Even without that, would at least half the country not believe that Macri is doing precisely what you mention in your post - carrying on a political vendetta, and all of the country would be for or against for reasons that have little to do with right and wrong?
No, it is a completely different thing to refrain from prosecuting someone - particularly an opponent - because there are simply bigger fish to fry. Building your credibility with the 48.5% of the country that didn't vote for you (after 12 years of K rule!), or that did but did so while holding their nose. Dealing with current problems in as non-political a manner as possible. Solving the economic disaster. Establishing a general attitude of law and order, (and yes that includes prosecuting anything that happens from now on, on your watch, particularly in your government). Fostering trust and beneficial relations between business and labor. Building education. Dealing with general crime and lawlessness. Etc.
Now, I have no problem with you holding otherwise. You may well think that prosecuting Vanoli, D'Elia, Boudou etc. is more important than all of the above, that it must be attempted, consequences be damned. I would disagree with you, strenuously so, but I get your position. What I do have a problem is when you call the other position immoral; when you compare it with nepotism, corruption, Lenin, etc. That's not what it is, quite the opposite.
And yes, Gerald Ford - whom I quoted unwittingly, I understood that was his reasoning, but did not know that he actually uttered the line I used - paid dearly for his pardon. Perhaps he would have been better understood had he been a Democrat; just as only Nixon could go to China, perhaps only a Democrat could pardon Nixon. But what he did - pardoning Nixon, and thus ending the show - was possibly a supremely wise move. Nixon had not killed anyone, and he did not go unpunished; he forfeited the presidency, and was reviled for a generation. It cost Ford reelection, but it was very possibly the right thing to do.
UPDATE: Maybe the point can be distilled thusly; when some things become too deeply political, time must be allowed to run its course. Videla etc. were not prosecuted in the 80's, and perhaps they couldn't have been without swinging back too deeply. Argentina had to recover first. Sometimes the hornet's nest must simply be allowed to die or disperse.
Would you press a button and send Vanoli to jail without any regard to the consequences for other people? Would you press that button if you knew that half the country would see him as a freedom fighter of sorts, and that precisely his jailing would result in Cristina's return as well as his own pardon and release, including fragata-Libertad-style hero's welcome as a victim of the evil Macrismo?
Perhaps there will be a time when the rule of law in Argentina is strong enough to hang all evil. Today is not the day. Society must be rebuilt first.