Well guys, it has been just over a year since my post of "Making Friendships" dated November 7, 2013.
Oh my God what a year! After wasting valuable time, hundred of dollars, (not pesos jajaja) and entertaining countless numbers of expats in my home my advice would be to keep your distance. Although I have met a few very sweet people and maintain good friendships with them. You know who you are.

I have had the pleasure and honor of meeting Spanish royalty (actually from Ecuador). A direct quote from the Royals "You don't know who I am, Google me" I did and nothing popped up

A pot head from San Francisco and a bitch from Oakland (depends on the day you ask). Sometimes Oakland sometimes Detroit). I have to admit that 2014 has been a very interesting year. There are many lonely people out there. Unfortunately the people I met were generally looking for a home cooked meal. Not friendship
The Silver Lining - I got married to my love of many years in Argentina and got my DNI

(so did he). So, all in all, a very good year! Let's hope 2015 is better, but this time without the expat drama. And OMG they are so good with the drama! Happy New Year to all!