Men's Shoes

Indeed Gpop shoes are another matter, I don't care for clothing too much either, but shoes are closer to a tool than a scarf. This was my fault for trusting a store located in the idiot-trap area of Palermo, but after a week of very delicate negotiations, including no less than four visits, I must bring the good news: They are actually giving the money back! :)
I'lll definitely go to DAZ, thanks David, you always have la posta.
Zara I find to be sub-K Mart products, at European prices.... and the money goes to a thrifty Galician. No thanks.
Ushuaia might for some unexplainable reason have good inexpensive shoes (what?) but I've already been to that truly beautiful and pricy location once and I don't think I'll be going back unless maybe to sail to Antarctica once I save enough money on shoes.
GUIDO on Quintana sells quality shoes. I have a pair of CORREA "custom made" shoes. They are long-wearing, extremely heavy and old-fashioned type construction. I have never found them all that comfortable, though. I think most of their shoes are semi custom made, though.
If you have large feet like me (14) you'd want to maybe look at getting them flown in. I tried finding general shoes/trekking ones and had a hell of a time, plus the brands of the ones people were selling on mercadolibre were rather sketchy/store brands from the states.
This is a good place for shoes:
DAZ distribuidora, Avenida de Mayo 753 (between Piedras & Chacabuco)
It's a manufacturer of shoes and this is their retail store. They have very nice and well made shoes. I have some shoes that I bought from them when I came to visit Argentina in 2004 (when they cost $48 pesos) which now sell for $700 pesos. Most styles are between $450 - $800 pesos, but they have some less expensive as well and some high end for more. The store has been there forever and was just recently renovated inside, so that is a good sign I believe. Check it out.

This thread was very timely and helpful since my husband needed a couple pairs of nice shoes for a wedding and all the related events that we have to attend soon. We planned to check out both DAZ and Correa, but went to DAZ on Avenida de Mayo first and he ended up buying three pairs of shoes and a belt there. The selection was great and the prices (in pesos) ranged from $490 to ~$1200 depending on the type of shoe. The belt he bought was $280. They are really beautiful. My husband is extremely picky with clothing and shoes, but he was quite pleased with the selection. There's great stuff for guys of all ages with varying levels of formality. The store itself is quite nice, and the service was great, very personalized--these guys know shoes. So here's another vote for DAZ. Ries, I am also in the market for some nice leather shoes so I will hit up Correa, which conveniently (or dangerously haha) is quite close to where I live.

More info on DAZ's locations:

Av. de Mayo 753, Tel: 4342-6005
Av. Pte. Sáenz Peña 815, Tel: 4328-7875
Reconquista 313, Tel: 4325-0656

[email protected]