Mercado Libre with no DNI

I am only here for < 6 months a year so I am not a resident and don't have a DNI. Brubank required one when I tried to sign up. Perhaps I can try with Wilobank. Thanks for the advice!

My bank is absolutely incompetent. When I wired money to buy an apartment here the clerk accidentally gave me my peso CBU instead of my dollar CBU. I asked him explicitly to confirm that it was my dollar account and he told me it was. So when I sent the money it was converted to pesos and then I had to convert back to dollars. Obviously this incurred a large fee. I argued with them and got them to reduce the fee by 75% (they gave me a special rate on the conversion which allowed them hide their error to their own management) but it was still quite a large cost. The only way to fix it would have been to take them to court as they did not want to fully admit the error. I had the entire email thread in black and white so it was certain it was his fault but well.... Needless to say I hate doing business with them but as a foreigner without a DNI it is hard to open accounts.

Not to mention when I go there I am not allowed to 1) wear a hat 2) drink a coffee 3) use my phone 4) listen to audiobooks on my headphones 5) listen to music on my earbuds. It is like being in a prison. Apparently there is a law stating that phones cannot be used (I checked), so I cannot blame them for that. And the hat thing I can understand. Now I bring papers to read or wait outside and look in through the window until my number is called.
So, I have just checked the maximum possible for in store and online purchases with the Brubank debit card and you can set both up to $100.000.
I am only here for < 6 months a year so I am not a resident and don't have a DNI. Brubank required one when I tried to sign up. Perhaps I can try with Wilobank. Thanks for the advice!
You will need a DNI for Wilobank as well.
the phone thing i never understood. is it just because the govt is protecting them from getting pictures of shitty customer service?
I had written them:

Necesito ayuda, no puedo realizar mis compras ya que el sistema requiere mi DNI. Soy extranjero. No tengo DNI argentino tengo pasaporte [passport info here].

Last night someone wrote back:

Es un placer saludarte, gracias por comunicarte con nosotros, hablas con Natalia de Mercado Pago y te ayudare en tu consulta, espero te encuentres muy bien el día de hoy.

Queremos que tu cuenta pueda mantenerse segura, por esto, cuando realices algunas acciones en nuestro sitio (retiros, préstamos, etc), necesitamos validar tu identidad con tu tarjeta DNI, el sistema recibe únicamente este documento por lo que no será posible realizar la validación de identidad con el pasaporte.

Para hacer la validación te recomendamos:

  • Tener una buena conexión a internet.
  • Tener tu DNI a mano y verificar que sea el mismo al registrado en tu cuenta.
  • Al sacar las fotos no usar el flash y hacerlo en un lugar con buena iluminación.
  • Revisar que se vea bien toda la información y no tapar nada con tus dedos.

Si ya intentaste hacer la validación y fue rechazada, no te preocupes, puedes hacerla de nuevo siguiendo estos consejos hasta que se apruebe de forma correcta únicamente con DNI.

Cualquier otra duda, puedes comunicarte nuevamente. Espero tengas un buen día!

Claudia Natalia

Atención al Cliente

Mercado Libre | Mercado Pago

Queremos escucharte. Si recibes una encuesta acerca de tu experiencia con nuestro Equipo de Atención al Cliente, por favor respóndela. ¡Tu participación es muy importante para que podamos hacer un Mercado Libre mejor!

Basically she ignored what I wrote and told me to upload a DNI. I replied saying I did not have a DNI, only a passport, as I am a foreigner. I wonder if they even bother to read the entire message.

This morning I received a call but my Spanish is not great, especially on the phone, so she hung up on me. Now I've written then again sending my passport and asking that my account be activated.