Mercado Libre with no DNI

Mercado Libre's twitter suggested that I deposit money into my Mercado Pago account and use that to pay.

"en este caso te recomendamos ingresar dinero a tu cuenta y luego utilizarlo para pagar. Para ingresar dinero a tu cuenta de Mercado Pago, entrá a Inicio > Ingresar dinero. Por último, en el momento de pagar, selecciona "dinero en cuenta" como medio de pago."

"in this case we recommend you deposit money into your account and then use it to pay. To deposit money to your Mercado Pago account, go to Start > Deposit money. Finally, when paying, select "money in account" as the payment method."
Mercado Libre has now deleted the contact page I had used to write them.

"La página que querías ver ya no existe."

From what I can see there is now no way to contact them via the site. The page was previously linked to from this site.

Unfortunately I had another problem. A package which was marked as delivered was not delivered. I filed a claim and they immediately rejected it as they said the package had been delivered. There was no option to reply. My guess is that it was delivered to the wrong address so I wanted to ask for proof of delivery.