Mmm, Lets Eat Some Delicious, Health Soy.

Talking of balance, GM eliminated hunger in the 3rd world?? Hang on a minute.....that is quite the claim!

People are of course correctly concerned about some of the business practices of the larger GM companies. Personally I am sure I have eaten GM food, I probably will eat more. I would prefer to have the choice and think that the correct course of action would be clear and accurate food labelling which of course is a fantasy in some countries due to the corrosive influence of industry lobbying. Those turkeys still aren't going to vote for Xmas.

Again, I eat GM (I reckon), so I am not saying it should be banned and there is value in it's application. Transparency would be nice.
consistency: let me choose what I consume.

If i buy the fact that wine is bad then I don't consume it, conversely if it's OK to drink then I may tipple... the fact is I made the choice to consume or not; this based on my own investigation of the pro's and cons.

It is not mandatory to even label GMO on the label of foods you buy. I think, by and large, the majority of GMO food passes over our lips without us even knowing it. Now, if that occurs then I am not aware of how, and what poisons are getting into my body.

I'm no hippy; nor do I even lean leftish... but I do demand transparency when it comes to my choices as a consumer. And more to the point of the the other comment made regarding the many starving people fed by this franckenfood. You can mold crap into any form you want and tell people it's bread... the fact is, it's still crap.
consistency: let me choose what I consume.

If i buy the fact that wine is bad then I don't consume it, conversely if it's OK to drink then I may tipple... the fact is I made the choice to consume or not; this based on my own investigation of the pro's and cons.

Fair enough. But why single out the GMO industry, which so far, no study has shown clear and hard evidence of harmful effects? Why not demand food that contains high fructose corn syrup to be labeled? Unlike GMO, high fructose corn syrup has been linked with cancer, diabetes, thyroid issues.
Why not demand food containing refined sugars and carbs to be labeled? Unlike GMO, refined sugars and carbs were also linked with diabetes, cancer, heart disease, dementia and strokes.
Why not demand food containing red meat and carbs to be labeled? Unlike GMO, red meat has been linked with cancer, heart disease and kidney failure.

Why single out one industry? This idea that GMOs somehow bad while everything else is good is absurd. We consume "poisonous" food every day. Highly refined sugars and carbs (pizza, pasta, ice cream) are REALLY BAD FOR YOU and are addictive. It completely screws up your insuline levels, gives you actual highs and is addictive. It DESTROYS YOUR TEETH!!! We as a society are addicted to highly refined sugars and carbs. Don't believe me? Try going cold turkey on sugar and refined carbs and see how long until the cravings and the withdraw kicks in.
So why all the outrage directed just to GMOs? Why not towards food with refined sugars and carbs? Why not be consistent instead of singling out one industry? And that let me remind you, no one has been able to show irrefutable evidence that GMO causes any harm.

I'm no hippy; nor do I even lean leftish... but I do demand transparency when it comes to my choices as a consumer. And more to the point of the the other comment made regarding the many starving people fed by this franckenfood. You can mold crap into any form you want and tell people it's bread... the fact is, it's still crap.

You are saying that out of ignorance on the subject. It is not crap. It is soy, tomatoes, corn, rice and no one has shown any irrefutable proof that those things do any harm. I grew up in Brazil during the 80s, when the northern part of the country was hit by a huge drought. I saw (not on TV or pictures, but in person) people starve to death, in scenes that were not that different than what was going on in Ethiopia about the same time. People were dying of hunger, and in large numbers. It is sight that you can't describe to someone else who has not been there.
Northern Brazil is TODAY suffering from a drought that is even worse than the one that hit the country back in the 1980s. The difference is that this time, no one is starving to death, and GMOs played a HUGE and decisive role on that. It is very cute for someone who might have always been able to drive to a suburban Whole Foods to call GMOs "crap". But for the vast majority of the world population, be it in South America, Asia or Africa, GMOs is what cut down child mortality rates from 200 per 1,000 birth to less than 20 per 1,000 in a generation. That is not crap. That is a technological miracle.
Hmm. Sugar and carbs are clearly labelled on all foods. You just have to be midly intelligent enough to know what you are reading.

GM is not. That, beyond the ranting and raving is the simple issue.

Ps...GM did not eliminate 3rd world (a redundant term) hunger, there are obviously laudable successes, but eliminated? No.

I eat GM, often unwittingly ,I would probably continue to do so but I would support the right to know, the right to chose as exists with fat, sugar and carbs.
me and my student had a full class discussing this article, as he is an agricultural engineer and now working as a broker. He found the article completely ridiculous and many things completely untrue. some of the facts in the article, weren't actually correct, like stating that one place where there were many deformities had a GMO plant in their town, but actually that town doesn't have one, its just the town where all the garbage is dumped,
im not expert, but my student thought it was a hilarious article!
Fair enough. But why single out the GMO ...

Well, I see we're going to be having a spirited debate tonight... OK, I'm game.
But first, I'm going to have dinner, then I'll address the many statements...
I'll be having some tex-mex tonight with some items I picked out of my own planters (lemon, cilantro, basil) that I grow on my terraza and balconies... GMO free.
(The rest...tomatoes kiwi and onion are on my toGrow list...still GMO free).

... That is not crap. That is a technological miracle. ...

Ahhh, you nicked it right there.

Since when when should food be a technological anything? Not only is everything else going digital, now my tomatoes too? Any why should I pick on the "GMO Industry"? Wow, not only is it a technology, now it's a full blown industry. And of course like any industry there is loads of money at steak, and a lot of winners at the top of that industry. Probably plenty of power that goes along with that too. Does anyone worry about those companies abusing the control they have over something as important as food?

Nature was doing just fine before us, but no; humans think that they can do better... and in the process damaging the very nature we require to maintain the ever growing population. Nature had eons to perfect itself into an ecosystem that sustained every living thing on the planet. People come around and got inventive, and greedy. Very good.

Now we are living longer lives, healthier than ever, and replicating our species to a point that the planet can no longer sustain. So to counteract that we're going to engineer nature because apparently it can't keep up with us. We may even live longer lives and produce even more people. We don't know what the real impact of our tinkering is doing and will do to the world we live in (not that anyone gives a honest answer about it anyway). And to top it all off, we have no plans in how to clean up our mess and who will pay for it.

Do you see the trend here? The problem is US.

Let me ask you something: does your computer ever crash? Flashlight ever fail? All things created by humans; the industries of technology. You tell me about a technological miracle yet we can't even get a flashlight to stay lit. Sorry pal, but I don't want anyone messing with the food I put on my table. If it means I have to grow my own, then so be it. I can trust nature, or at least I used to be able to until greedy people put their mitts on her.
Sooo..... i guess coffee, red meat,cigarettes,whisky, are all bad??? since when?????oh btw we all are gonna die someday,but you can live a longer unhappy bitter life learning about things you can't change.I can't recall how many times i heard coffee is bad then nono its good then nno its bad again then nonono it s good.People please!! the info fed to us depends on what the powers that be want the market to be.We are being so careful about everything that in the process we forget to live life and enjoy it.If a granola bar makes you happier than a stake so be it more stake for me!