Mmm, Lets Eat Some Delicious, Health Soy.

Cooking your meat over a fire creates carcinogens. Alcohol contains carcinogens. Cooking the caramel coloring in dark sodas contains carcinogens. Brick walls emit radiation. The hamburger you just ate at McD's was washed in ammonia (I'm not kidding). We could go on.

The negative effects / positive attributes of GMO products can be argued back and forth. I think the OP's point is one of transparency. We should know what is in our food, where it came from, and how it was processed. "Choice" is key word. In a country like Argentina where there is such a political culture of "protecting" the people I find the absence of decent food labeling to be surprising.

I grew up on a farm. We raised cows, pigs, chickens, and horses, corn, tomatoes, lettuce, peas and beans, potatoes, pumpkins, watermelon, muscadines, and apples. We ate the first three meats and all of the vegetables and fruits. We knew exactly where our food came from, what fertilizers and pesticides we used, and how it was processed. Furthermore, the butcher who took our oversupply of beef (and venison) was able to tell people that the cut they were buying was a 3-year old Black Angus from Doc Burdette's farm.

My local butcher really only knows the middle-man, not the origin of the beef.
I've heard the same arguments so many times about other things: correlation is not causation, there is no scientific evidence that smoking tobacco causes cancer (P.S. of course it couldn't possibly cause emphysema either!) How many years were we told that while believers kept puffing away and blowing the smoke in the air their kids had to breathe. I would never intentionally feed GMOs to my family or eat it myself and I consider that my position IS balanced and sane. I buy organic but probably it will soon be contaminated if it isn't already which, to my thinking, is equivalent to making me breathe second hand smoke. No one has the right to do that to me. There IS evidence of cancer from GMO that really IS undeniable and not just correlated unless you think ALL rats fed GMO corn having huge cancers and rats fed normal corn getting no cancer is not proof of anything. In that case I say to each his own. It's enough for my logical mind.

I say thank you to people on this forum who care enough to inform me and others. The worst is if we don't know the risks and do it innocently. Once we are informed then the consequences are ours. To those who are providing information, thanks so much. I am saving the links.
There IS evidence of cancer from GMO that really IS undeniable and not just correlated unless you think ALL rats fed GMO corn having huge cancers and rats fed normal corn getting no cancer is not proof. of anything. In that case I say to each his own. It's enough for my logical mind.

I say thank you to people on this forum who care enough to inform me and others. The worst is if we don't know the risks. Once we have been informed then the consequences are ours. To those who are providing information, thanks so much. I am saving the links.

This news is from TODAY:

French court overturns ban on Monsanto GMO maize (due to lack of scientific evidence)

(Reuters) - France's highest administrative court rejected on Thursday a government ban on growing Monsanto's MON810 genetically modified maize (corn).
GMO products might be safe. I just don't know. Here's the short history from my brain files.

"Cigarettes are safe"
"DDT is safe"
"Agent Orange is safe"
"RoundUp is safe"

now, "GMO is safe."

I don't think that the organizations who tell me something controversial is safe have a really good track record. I wouldn't lend money to Argentina, either.

I know, call me an idiot.
GMO products might be safe. I just don't know. Here's the short history from my brain files.

Depends on your definition of "safe". Is wine "safe"? Is red meat "safe"? Are bananas, which are naturally radio active, "safe"? Is refined sugar, which is addictive, destroys your teeth, and disrupts your insuline balance "safe"? Nothing is really safe. The question is: Are GMO foods more dangerous than the foods I listed above? So, far, there is no evidence of it.
There IS evidence of cancer from GMO that really IS undeniable and not just correlated unless you think ALL rats fed GMO corn having huge cancers and rats fed normal corn getting no cancer is not proof of anything. In that case I say to each his own. It's enough for my logical mind.

This single study that you have continually referred to and attach so much importance to (whilst ignoring so many others that show no evidence of adverse health effects in GM foods) is flawed in numerous ways. I would take the time to explain that to you if I thought you would be interested but as you are now putting your own lies and misinterpretations on top of the bad science and cunning PR of the study team (repeat offenders in using shonky science to try to arrive at the same conclusion) its clear that, like them, you are only interested in having your suspicions proved correct.

That average people dont understand or can't spot shonky science is entirely understandable, that it almost led to a major change in government policy is unforgivable.
For me it just hits on a common sense level that we're playing with the genetics like some mad scientist making a Frankenstein monster. I see no inherent problem in engineering food. The problem is we're just tinkering with something we don't really have enough understanding to analyze the long term results, and we're doing it on a world-wide scale with complete abandon and no care of the consequences. The science is just too young and distorted by the profit motive to let it loose on the world like it is now.

Let's just squirt some animal DNA in here and see what happens. Hey cool, we have a bigger yield. Let's put it into production and let it cross pollinate with our entire existing food chain, changing it permanently. Will there be other unintended effects? *shrug* Who cares - we have more food to feed the hungry, better profits, everybody's happy. These are completely new combinations of DNA people, and not just little mutations that introduced themselves gradually. Have you noticed how the worst diseases are ones that crossed over from one species to another? Why - because the species that hasn't had that virus before was caught completely off guard by something new that it hadn't had time prepare for over a span of generations. We are completely changing over just a few decades the way we use land, the substance of our diet, the substance of the diets of all the domestic food chain that we eat, the flora of our digestive tracts, introducing plants and animals into the wild, the list goes on. And worse, all of this in the context of the chemicals that got this whole marketing frenzy started in the first place. If we had the science to really understand and fix the problems we may be causing then we could maybe think about it and collectively make a reasoned decision.

If it was discovered that we could inject dolphin DNA into our own and become more intelligent, would you do it? (hehe, now for the record, I *might* do it) Would you allow them to perform the procedure on your daughter? (me, I don't have a daughter, but no) If not, why not? And why would you be happy letting your daughter eat food that has essentially undergone the same sort of modification, not really knowing the consequences?

And yes, as mentioned here, at least some labeling would be nice. These days how do we really know if the food we are growing outselves is really organic either? You have to have million dollar science lab just to know what you're putting in your mouth.