Monsanto In Argentina

I don't know the effects, and I don't believe you do either

That means they are likely to be insignificant.

We are basically making significant and permanent changes to the genetic makeup of our food supply ...

We've been doind the same thing by selection for ages. It just happens faster nowadays and gives better results. Does FDA do any testing of varieties of corn, obtained by selection? As to "genetic makeup of our food supply", genetic difference between corn and chicken is much bigger than between regular corn and GMO corn and it does not seem to upset anybody.

I would consider the right to grow food, gather seeds, etc, a part of our natural heritage as human beings.

I consider the right to purchase the software outright to be fundamental, but somehow Adobe thinks that you can only license the Photoshop now. My point is that if you don't like their pricing approach, it does not make them criminal.
I will just reiterate that we don't know the effects because they slipped around testing by pushing through legislation exempting genetically modified food from testing.

I consider the right to purchase the software outright to be fundamental, but somehow Adobe thinks that you can only license the Photoshop now. My point is that if you don't like their pricing approach, it does not make them criminal.

Their tactics are not a "pricing approach". They are going after small farmers, and suing them if they have never even used the product, solely on the basis of the farmers reusing their own seeds which have been contaminated by pollination from neighboring crops. This means that step by step they or similar companies could eventually own a patent on all produce on the planet, once it has been contaminated by cross pollination with their patented DNA. They have politicians in their pocket to push through legislation in their favor to gain this monopoly. When a corporation has enough weight to push through whatever laws they want, you can make the argument they are not doing anything "illegal", but the politicians certainly are, and ethics are totally out the window. I wonder why you would stand behind a company that is so busy creating this type of monopoly and striking at the heart of the most basic human connection between food and freedom.
Their tactics are not a "pricing approach". They are going after small farmers, and suing them if they have never even used the product, solely on the basis of the farmers reusing their own seeds which have been contaminated by pollination from neighboring crops.

This and this alone is the only reason why I hate Monsanto. I find everything else to be pure BS.
Quote by henryb:
It is funny that Al Jazeera now spreads the words of wisdom.
When injected into frog embryotic cells, glyphosate causes deformations apparently via increasing concentration of retinoid acid / Vitamin A. There were no experiments on humans, but he suspects that glyphosate can get in by inhaling (and not from "what we eat"). Vitamin A is widely used in acne and wrinkle creams and is linked to birth defects.

Right, henryb. But I think there ARE experiments on humans. They are going on now and you and I are the guinea pigs if we are cooperating! Animals fed GMO do show birth defects. One in hamsters is that by the third generation their fur grows inside their mouths and they are sterile. If that translates to humans, how'd you like THAT?! Rats fed GMO corn for two years could hardly drag their large cancerous tumors around. I didn't know about the demonstration in Buenos Aires. If I had I probably would have been there.

A small suggestion, I ask everywhere "do you know if this is genetically modified because if it is I don't want to buy it." I have a new store across from me with grains, nuts, etc. I told the owner that I would buy a LOT from him if he would guarantee it is not GMO'd. He told me he was going to find out. An amazing number of people don't even know what I mean. They desperately need to be educated. I order from the organic producers, partly to avoid the GMO food. .
Monsanto is an opertunistic pig that has developed a really stupid and dangerous solution to to the real problem....which we continuously fail to address. The human race has bred like rats and now the environment can't support the population without dangerous solutions. ie GMO and Round Up and Fracking and it goes on and on.
You can can point fingers at Monsanto and Exxon and the pigs on Wall Street all day long. But that doesn't absolve all of you star breeders out there. We've populated the planet beyond our current ability to feed and shelter the masses.
One in hamsters is that by the third generation their fur grows inside their mouths ...

I've heard fairy tales about dragons that sounded more likely, frankly. But I agree with you, people desperately need to be educated about this to stop spreading the paranoia.
I just found this article of " The washingon Post"

I do remember in 1993 they will deliver some bags of genetically modified seeds, of wheat and these samples in argentina went for free test with no charge.
Later the farmers sold to the ordinary market the production of them.-

I presume more than one of us, has eaten bread with these " test seeds", going around the world and we dont have idea of it.
I presume more than one of us, has eaten bread with these " test seeds", going around the world and we dont have idea of it.

And to make matters worse, most of adults in Argentina also consume a highly poisonous and toxic substance that is responsible for over 4% of all cancer deaths world wide. It is so toxic that in the US alone, about 24 thousand people die every year directly poisoned by it (not cancer). Also, It has been linked with cancer in the mouth, stomach, esophagus, larynx, ovaries and liver. It can cause malformed fetuses and it is chemically addictive, with millions of dependents worldwide. Yet this horrible substance is available everywhere in Argentina and most of the world. It is called alcohol.