Monsanto In Argentina

Once the first GMO seeds were planted in the open it was only a matter of time before the entire world was populated with GMO crops, whether we wanted it or not.

Monsanto's products, specifically GMO seeds that produce crops to withstand being bathed in RoundUP might not be harmful. The problem is that we don't know. Monsanto circumvents FDA testing because senior executives in Monsanto routinely move to senior executive positions in the FDA and EPA, and vice versa. Do you really think these executives are going to work hard to hold their former colleagues and friends to account?

What I can tell you from my own observation is the negative impact on soil quality from repeated use of RoundUp, the creation of plant strains resistant to RoundUp, and that GMO seeds have termination - second generation seeds are sterile. Farmers can no longer save their best seeds for replanting. Instead, they must continually purchase seeds from Monsanto.

Monsanto has received patents for their GMO seeds and goes after the farmer who hasn't chosen to use these seeds but where Monsanto has found these seeds cross pollinated into their fields from neighbors' fields by wind, birds, etc. It's like getting a patent on oxygen gas, releasing it into the atmosphere, and then suing you because you breathed it.

As a farmer, I have had no problem eating crops from my fields where I used Round Up according to the usage guidelines. My problem is that it is too easy to abuse the use of Round Up, either through ignorance or on purpose and the person eating the food would never know. I also know that Round Up isn't the only, or best, way to control weeds. But the other ways take effort and many farmers are either already overworked or lazy.
I presume more than one of us, has eaten bread with these " test seeds", going around the world and we dont have idea of it.

Looks to be true:

I wrote a comprehensive article on GMOs in '98 and delved into the topic with completely objectivity. A scientist from the FDA told me that all the grains (those deemed safe for human consumption and those destined to be animal feed) all went into the silos together. They were being inundated with hundreds of calls a day about health problems such as skin rashes, allergies, and stomach ailments related to many foods containing corn for instance, but the scientist felt totally helpless as there was no one tracking the storage and distribution of the grains, although there was a correlation with this new emergence of health ailments and GMO's.

GMOs were released onto the market without adequate longer-term studies. On Youtube you can see a video of George Bush telling Monsanto they were in the 'deregulation business'

The USDA -- the same people who bring you rBST —which is banned in saner countries such as Japan and Canada — think GMOs are great. But after talking to several scientists about it, I try to avoid GMOs myself, although it is nearly impossible since most processed foods contain GMOs.

What I can't get my head around is why more politically conservative-leaning people usually support the use of GMO's when it flies in the face of the Precautionary Principle.