Also, does anybody have a reliable/ trustworthy moving company they could recommend? I'm thinking this will take 2 months to get here? Reasonable? Whatever info you can contribute would be greatly appreciated.
Anybody ? Anybody? Beuhler? Beuhler?
Printers are the paradigm of planned obsolesence!
I once saw a documentary from catalan tv that actually showed a microchip they had to stop printing (lets say after 5000 pages)!!
Printers are the paradigm of planned obsolesence!
I once saw a documentary from catalan tv that actually showed a microchip they had to stop printing (lets say after 5000 pages)!!
I agree with you, printers last nothing in general, you need to buy something that lasts, very cheap models last no time, If I had to buy a new cheap printer, I would not do it. I would buy an old Hewlett Packard 1020 or similar through ML, also if you buy a very new printer might not be compatible with the old OS, older printers are in general are backward compatibles. Some persons repair printers and build 1 printer from many old pieces, and the resulting printer will last much more than a new printer. Of course, If you can buy a new Hewlett Packard printer it is even better. The toner printer can be refilled without needing to buy a new toner, I had a bad experience with an EPSON printer that if 1 of the carters was not filled the printer did not printso then if you had black ink but not magenta, you could not print in black. This shows that it is designed for you to buy a new carter, and every moment I had alerts on the screen indicating... the magenta or whatever color is going to end, buy a new carter clicking on this link...I have never buy EPSON again.
I am amazed how people are tied to things. You should all study, search in the internet, a new phenomena, called PLANNED OBSOLESENCE. Today, things are made to last no longer than 5 years -Yes, you read well. Tvs, DVD players, Playstation, even the smartphones do not last more than 3 years (being generous).
So, if things last less than 6 years, o maybe 6 years, or so, but always less than 10 years (beater, toaster, microwave, blender, etc) bringing up stuff, paying so much, for what? 3 years of use? you could buy another tv made here to have another 5 years, or 8 years or whatever...