Moving In Sept! Any Advice?

Alright alright, since everyone disagrees with me on the grocery bill and I'm getting my information from a local (and her family) who's born and raised in Bs.As, let's agree to disagree and move on. :D If anyone actually seriously wants to know how its possible, message me privately.

Putting that part aside - any further guidance regarding teaching english, translating, or local jobs?

You've seemed to already have done a lot of thorough research and you trust your girlfriend's family so why ask us publicly in a forum and then request we message you privately? It honestly doesn't make sense.

Check out the Coto supermarket website for prices to add to your in-depth research so you can verify the cost of groceries and put an end to the cost of food for once and all.
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]See that ARS 1500 discounting Medicus (ARS 400) are 1100 ARS , this means around 36 ARS per day; this might be the cost of 1kg of apples in the city. (4 apples per day). Also if you want to make translations or to be an English teacher, you will need to speak Spanish acceptably.[/background]


36$ a kilo of apples??? Where did you get them, in Harrods? A kilo of red apples in Belgrano, Juramento and Amenabar, 11 pesos last fridays.

In the same place, nearly 25 kilos of fruit and veg last week for 279$

I really do not know where you people buy your stuff from.

36$ a kilo of apples??? Where did you get them, in Harrods? A kilo of red apples in Belgrano, Juramento and Amenabar, 11 pesos last fridays.
In the same place, nearly 25 kilos of fruit and veg last week for 279$

While there are sporadic deals on fruit and vegetables, I haven't seen any good red delicious apples at $11 pesos per kg in over a year. And I am a huge apple consumer -- up to 4 per day. The going rate is now closer to $20 kg. Last month there were apples (reddish in color, but no specific variety listed) in COTO with the precios cuidados sign under them, they were small like crab apples and most of them were bruised and rotten looking. The good apples in a pile next to those, were $22 kg.
Here's COTO's price as of today:
While there are sporadic deals on fruit and vegetables, I haven't seen any good red delicious apples at $11 pesos per kg in over a year. And I am a huge apple consumer -- up to 4 per day. The going rate is now closer to $20 kg. Last month there were apples (reddish in color, but no specific variety listed) in COTO with the precios cuidados sign under them, they were small like crab apples and most of them were bruised and rotten looking. The good apples in a pile next to those, were $22 kg.
Here's COTO's price as of today:


I buy the food for my family. If you find apples for $11 / kilo that aren't rotten let me know.
Here in Pilar, in Fatima, I get ABSOLUTE DELICIOUS apples for 18 a kilo.
I just noticed this in the OPs original post -that in a pinch he can live off his Canadian savings and head home to his parents if/when his savings run out That doesn't make me think he's committed to any girlfriend although he seems to know her parents. Worse, hasn't he seen the $CAD fall by 20% between October/12 and Dec/13? Nor read this week that the Bank of Canada wants interest rates lowered even further in the belief that this will spur exports? This keeps the $CAD low.

My newly retired husband is now working here in France part-time so that he can counter some of that 20% loss but he's not happy about needing to work again or cutting down our already modest 'entertainment' budget. He got work because we're proper residents here and his expertise and experience are rare here. He's a go-getter!

We're seeing our Canadian money look more like play money every month! Even so, we'll never return to Canada. (We couldn't afford to move back, anyway!) Struggling a bit here is definitely worth all the non-monetary benefits here of which some that count most to us are similar to Argentina's. (We chose where we live on that basis ) I'm glad we moved BEFORE the $CAD began and kept on diving. Its huge decrease in value gives the message that one should never leave Canada and just stay put there if one isn't wealthy. Being isolated from the rest of the world there is a thought that makes me shudder so I stomp on it fast, look around me and smile.

For how long does the OP think his savings will support his girlfriend and him?! Do they plan to marry in Argentina? If not, what happens to HER if she's still with him if and when he has to run off to Canada hoping his parents will still be willing and capable of supporting him? How would SHE live there if they married? I wouldn't opt for moving to a new country to live with the parents of the foreign guy I love!

On the other hand, it might not be so bad to have a poor foreign boyfriend if you've a chance of eventually marrying him. Poor or rich, he's still a national of a 'better' country where, theoretically at least he will still be able to make money again if he becomes broke in Arg and has to go home.

So why then did the OP mention moving back to Canada only in terms of spongeing off his parents there if he has to move back? That's odd.

I'm sorry if I'm, in fact, denigrating a bright, loving and committed couple. But since he's not disclosed much publicly and since decisions to move abroad are serious by nature and drag from one even the questions that are uncomfortable to address, or unless one's a kid for whom 'forever' means about 6 months, I'm within bounds to think of the not-so-great potential scenarios. Some people just don't like it when the thoughts in their heads aren't affirmed by a forum.

I appreciate all the factual information everyone's providing in this thread. It's so up-to-date and covers the bases. My husband and I still read and talk about Argentina almost daily. You guys helped guide our decision to not move there at what would have been the wrong time for us all circumstances considered. I hope The OP realizes the great way you're helping him. It would be nice if he filled us in more on how his decision is going. I wish him and her the best whatever they decide. .
Here in Pilar, in Fatima, I get ABSOLUTE DELICIOUS apples for 18 a kilo.
This morning I got some great apples for 11.15 kg. at Disco (Las Heras y Lafinur). These were small apples in great condition - some still had leaves on the stem. I'm trying to eat one now and type...crisp! It's great!

I also got a 2x1 coupon at Disco for Volta (they tried for a few weeks to do a .5 kg for 1 kg coupon - with the price of Volta I think they had to rethink that. I would never buy there without a 2x1 - just too expensive.