Need Advise On How To Handle My Maid

You might tell her you found someone who wouldn't mind working for less and thank her for her services.
hmm..I am not paying any benefits or such bullshit.

She is a part time maid who comes and cleans my house, washes my clothes and cuts some vegetables for me. She does it 6-7 times a month.
Get rid of her. We tried to do the same - pay our maid a good wage so that she'd feel comfortable and respected. She decided she wanted more, and when we told her that we were already paying a lot and couldn't pay more, she seemed to accept it - only she didn't. She just started stealing from us until it became blatantly obvious and we had to get rid of her.

Start afresh. Nothing good will come of paying her more.
I think you made a mistake from the scratch, paying her very well from the start.
She could have thought two things out of it: either you are very generous and she respects that, or that she can take advantage of you.

I pay my maid above the standard rates (not by much but still, 15/20% higher than the average), but I started with a standard rate. Then later, she found 5.000 USD I had in cash (had forgotten to hide them) and she didn't touch them (if she had stolen them, I had no proof she had stolen or that this amount actually existed). That's when I decided to pay her well.

I would make sure she doesn't take away a "gift" that she considers a "due" the day she leaves.

A friend of my GF would be happy to submit her candidature (she has experience, is 19 y/o, best friend of my GF, she slept at my house a few times too with no issue).
The tone of voice, the demand, and the intent to rip you off are enough to fire her.

Once a person loses respect for you -- or maybe never had it, I'm not sure there's any going back and making things right. Even if you tell her you won't pay extra and she agrees (because she doesn't want to lose the job) doesn't mean she won't hold a grudge. Call me cynical, but I wouldn't want anyone with grudges around my stuff. :p

At least she didn't rob you like what happened to my mother-in-law. Woman worked for two days, quit, and apparently thought she deserved a bonus (small camcorder and unused cellphones.)
Oh I could raise you on maid horror stories - I had one that stole my clothes. Jeans, shoes, underwear (vomit), jackets, the list went on and on. Paid well but apparently started taking things 1 by 1 to resell them. Then she stole money that was hidden away in a locked drawer. Another stole money. A third stole jewelry.

My fave (not really). I employed the gf of a guy that worked here. She stole (a lot) of money. USD. Didn't tell her BF. Then she quits that day. A week later, her BF comes and asks me if I can change some USD as his GF had gotten some from her father. :rolleyes: In other words, my money.

I have had one shitty experience after another despite paying well, doing everything in white, paying holidays/vacation/sick days, etc.
Ceviche, I dont have a maid seeing as the mrs doesnt want one, but if I was you, I would tell her to take her ball and go home and find another one.

In fact, I think I would take Frenchie up on his offer of his gfs mate!!
Then later, she found 5.000 USD I had in cash (had forgotten to hide them) and she didn't touch them (if she had stolen them, I had no proof she had stolen or that this amount actually existed).
How can you possibly forget to hide such an amount, jajaja????

I thought I was a certain record-holder with my typical lack of order en casa, but this sure proves my overconfidence.

A real Frenchman, indeed.
You showed weakness from the beginning and she took advantage of it. Start fresh.