Found a maid a month ago. Works efficiently. Works part time for me.
Decided to pay her very high so that she appreciated the job ( and be at my beck and call) at 50 peso an hour.
Today, she says in a very hostile manner " If you want me to come on week end, you have to pay me 60 pesos an hour".
Problem is that i often travel and its not possible to time my work only on weekdays.
What remedy do yoy guys suggest? Fire her? Getting too greedy? She did not look in a mood to negotiate.
And to think is past one month, she mostly worked for me on weekends. Why upsell her self suddenly?
Does she think, I am too gullible?
Decided to pay her very high so that she appreciated the job ( and be at my beck and call) at 50 peso an hour.
Today, she says in a very hostile manner " If you want me to come on week end, you have to pay me 60 pesos an hour".
Problem is that i often travel and its not possible to time my work only on weekdays.
What remedy do yoy guys suggest? Fire her? Getting too greedy? She did not look in a mood to negotiate.
And to think is past one month, she mostly worked for me on weekends. Why upsell her self suddenly?
Does she think, I am too gullible?