Need Advise On How To Handle My Maid


Mar 23, 2011
Found a maid a month ago. Works efficiently. Works part time for me.

Decided to pay her very high so that she appreciated the job ( and be at my beck and call) at 50 peso an hour.

Today, she says in a very hostile manner " If you want me to come on week end, you have to pay me 60 pesos an hour".

Problem is that i often travel and its not possible to time my work only on weekdays.

What remedy do yoy guys suggest? Fire her? Getting too greedy? She did not look in a mood to negotiate.

And to think is past one month, she mostly worked for me on weekends. Why upsell her self suddenly?

Does she think, I am too gullible?
Average maids earn 25-30 pesos/hour. Sure she knows that.
And I know it too. I was so frustrated with maids not respecting the job that I decided to pay double.

But I guess, it did not work too.

Please advise ' what to tell her'? I depend on you guys for good advise.
Please advise ' what to tell her'?
To go f.... herself.

No, I think you should call her again and discuss this issue, tell her calmly how you are already being generous compared to average wages and that you are therefore expecting mutual respect. If she doesn't want to negociate anything, it will make no sense to continue like this, then you should find somebody else.
Just explain that you are already paying more than what most people are making and if she can't agree to the wage you have given her that there are other hard workers who will. Tell her it is up to her....leave and find new work....or keep the wage you originally agreed on.
I would firmly talk to her explaining that youre paying much more than anywhere. Shes taking advantage of you without any doubt. I wouldnt fire her, but I d ask to work for the same prize remarking her how much do you pay,
It's my experience that paying more without tying it to anything specific is actually counter-productive and many will simply think you have no idea about going rates and you are ripe to be pushed around.

Get rid of her. Start fresh. Hire someone at 30 pesos an hour and tell him/her you will often need weekend help and if so, you will pay a bonus for weekend work. 40 or 45 pesos for the hour if it's on a weekend.

You'll wind up paying less, getting better service and both of you will be better off in the long run.
If you are happy with the work she does, give her a KEY to clean during the week? legally working overtime on weekends requires a 50 % bonus...!! and the number of hours is limited by law? B) assuming that she works in blanco where you pay for benfits..!
Actually, don't think that's true about the weekend work as I believe Saturdays are a standard work day for maids.
Very complex subject, if not ask Mirtha Legrand being sued by ker maid for 20 years of unpaid Obras Sociales $$$$$ ?? Ouchhhh.
My opinion is only hearsay and will not stand in a Court of Law,, :D