As I explained before, to understand what is going on, you have to look into the will of the fuhrer prinzip. The Director of immigration asserted at PPT that his Master Plan to fighting the Chinese mafia is to deport all the victims of trafficking. They inaugurated a jail for foreigners but, just in case they clarified that it is for Chinese.
For trafficking immigrants, the mafia use fake passports, fake entry stamps or real entry stamps without visas (the former head of immigration was arrested for that).
So, the victims of trafficking, for the immigration police are criminals because they have fake id or no entry stamp at all. However, instead of deportation, the article 15 of the National Constitution establishes that the slaves, no matter how they entry the country, are free for stepping the Argentine territory.
Argentina signed an international UN treaty against trafficking that establishes that for all the crimes committed during the trafficking, the victims cannot be investigated, including fake passports and entry stamps.
The anti slavery law included the trafficking in its crime description in the law change and established that the victims must be granted with permanent residency.
So, as you can see, there is a big difference between due process and what the King wants to do. He complains because he wants to deport all the Chinese but the law forbids it and the biggest problem he has are judges, this is why he is trying to by pass them.
The victims of trafficking normally works ar supermarkets with their family. The immigration law establishes that to give work to someone without DNI is a crime. But this law was properly use for cabarets. However, I have a super racist prosecutor who is using it with supermarkets. Even I ask the chamber to start a dismissal and a criminal case against him, reality is that this decree is precisely what he needs to by pass me and the judge.
So, the decree looks for by passing the judges and, specially looks for subjugate the citizenship judges because while immigration tries to deport them, a) the chamber of appeals order to take intervention to the special anti slavery unit of the Court; b ) the criminal chamber order the anti slavery unit to develop an special procedure for victims of trafficking who are applying for citizenship c) first instance citizenship judges are making photocopies of the cases and send them to the criminal chamber for investigating trafficking; d) the criminal judges calls the victims as witnesses and witnesses cannot be deported because it means justice obstruction and e) I already achieve a leading case where the mafia was arrested and convicted and the Criminal Court order immigration to give my client a permanent DNI. Immigration refused, so I ask the Criminal Court to insist under the warning of being prosecuted criminally for breach a judicial order.
So, as you see, the king wants to deport Chinese and for achieving it he needs to by pass the judges or/and to subjugates them.
Remember that the right of the State for deporting was stablished at the Peronist Constitution and it doesn't exist in the National Constitution and it was accepted by SC under certain circumstances: to be a public danger or after the criminal sentence is served but, only, if there are not native children in between.
The idea behind the King is that immigrants are the enemy, this comes from Schmitt. Imaging who made him worldwide famous:
carl schmitt
Do not worry that real criminals tries to escape no matter what outside of the country
