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It does no such thing. Nowhere in the Bill of Rights it states that those rights are restricted to American citizens. The United States was founded under the principle that our basic rights are inherent to all humans, granted to us by our creator (whomever or whatever that might be) and exists independently of the government.
Now, has this been enforced in practice? From slavery to the CIA tortures and Guantanamo, that is obviously not the case. Rights are brought up and forgotten at the convenience of whomever is in charge at the time. But the letter of the law, ignored or not, makes no distinction between the basic rights being only for US citizens.
With all my respect, do not forget I´m a professional specialized in Constitutional Law.
Look that the preamble of the Bill of Rights use the word "us" and "our posterity", it means citizens (Tiffany, Joel, A Treasie on Government and Constitutional Law) with full political rights while out preamble states "for us and for all the men of the world who wish to inhabit our soil":

Here you have the link of the original version in English. Check it out at the preamble chapter.
Slaves were not included, foreigners neither.
Besides that, I think you are on the right on this one. The decree being good or bad is irrelevant. It is a decree and it undermines the Republic. It is wrong.
If they use a DNU, then it means that they want to derogate the law 346 instead of the decree 3213/84. This is insane!!!!
But would you feel the same if Cristina had issued a decree that you agreed with? I think the credibility issue you are having on this case is that most of us feel that you would be nowhere near as vocal, if Cristina had issued a decreed that aligned with your political views.
It is impossible. I explain you why.
My political view is that the National Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Country.
NK enacted a decree regulating the citizenship law regarding the sons or argentines born in other countries. He simplified the procedure for getting an Argentine DNI without judge control because the RENAPER give the DNI no questions ask besides to evidence that one of your parents is Argentina. Here the decree was properly used because it was regulatory of the law 346 and its addressee were the employed of the Executive Power.
While the King tried to appoint judges at Supreme Court that could be fired after one year [if they were independent like they must be], NK enacted by decree rules of self limitation of power regulatimg the procedure to appoint judges through the Congress [not beyong the Congress]
CFK enacted decree 616/2010 that I was criticizing for the last 6 years in this forum but her subordinates of the DNM respected the Federal Judges because during her administration when I notified the DNM of a citizenship case on, they used to freeze the case respecting the separation of powers. The procedure created by decree by CFK states establishes that the arrest for deportation follow the Criminal Procedure Code and it is decided by a judge.
So, even I´m anti peronist, I had no complains with the K administration because they had political power, they used it but I do not see constitutional issues with that.
The new CC was a big change made by the former administration but It was approved by the Congress not by DNU.
Nikad mentioned that they didn´t want to listen the opposition at the Congress but I don´t see how this can be unconstitutional as soon as to listen the speech of the side who has no chance to win is not a legal requirement. Different is when there is a lot of debate on a law, but if the votes needed for its approval are there. Well...
I suggest Nikad to read the chapter of the preamble of the US bill of right of Tiffany because there he explains why her ideas about this topic are wrong.
So, besides the hate speech against the former administration, they respected the separation of powers and the National Constitution lot more that the King. This is why I prefer them even I ´m anti peronist.
I did´t vote for NK but I learnt to respect him because of her actions as President, among others, he incorporated the UN soft law standars for police by decree. It makes sense because he rule by decree to his subordinates. It makes sense because he limits his own power through the police. Judges are not subordinates of the President Nikad.
I do not know if you realize that this change in the citizenship law has name and last name and this is precisely what the President cannot do neither.