News In The Usa Is Argentina Might Default Again

Repsol, ... The payment for the oil they exported was to supply the internal market at a reduced profit and to invest in developing new sources of oil and gas.

"The problem was a government approved practice of allowing Repsol to use profits to pay shareholder dividends rather than invest that money in the company's future. "That led to a lack of reinvestment in utilities, little exploration and dwindling reserves, as oil fields dried up and productivity fell," Fernandez said." [1]

This was part of the documentation I provided in post

[1] http://www.huffingto..._n_1444144.html

I suddenly remembered where I had the main source for the YPF Dividend Policy.


Dividend Policy.

Following the agreement signed in late 2007 between Repsol-YPF and the Petersen Group, promoted by former President Néstor Kirchner, the parties agreed to a dividend policy that proved satisfactory to both. It also contributed to giving the company’s shares appeal in the
markets in terms of an appropriate relationship between dividends and earnings (payout). To this end, they agreed to distribute 90% of the company’s profits as dividends, in two installments each year. p. 6

"The problem was a government approved practice of allowing Repsol to use profits to pay shareholder dividends rather than invest that money in the company's future. "That led to a lack of reinvestment in utilities, little exploration and dwindling reserves, as oil fields dried up and productivity fell," Fernandez said." [1]

This was part of the documentation I provided in post

[1] http://www.huffingto..._n_1444144.html

No? Are you a school teacher? Come on!

You don t need to quote your self, it was enough to read you once.

You quoted twice a newspaper, this is not documentation.
No? Are you a school teacher? Come on!

You don t need to quote your self, it was enough to read you once.

You quoted twice a newspaper, this is not documentation.
Oh, I see. If you write
Ok, i couldn t find the article that explained that, when a company has factories in Argentina and Brazil, they distributed the production in the way i described.
then it is first class documentation, and if I provide a link to an interview with Eduardo Fernandez, a former fuels director in Argentina's energy ministry, that is not valid documentation? Bajo, you are again trying viveza criolla, making up as you need it to "prove" your point.

Besides, you obviously don't know what trolling is. Look it up.