Nightmare At Ezeiza

The gendarmes forced them off the highway after a judged ruling this afternoon: water cannons, rubber bullets from one side; rocks and a barbecue from the other.

So they are gone.

If you would like to know why they were doing the piquete — which is quite interesting as it involves Scioli, stolen public money and Venezuela — then check out this article on Infobae.
I really hope this is over. arriving the morning of the 25th. tired, hungover, and in the middle of a protest is no way to start a vacation. bienvenido
The gendarmes forced them off the highway after a judged ruling this afternoon: water cannons, rubber bullets from one side; rocks and a barbecue from the other.

So they are gone.

If you would like to know why they were doing the piquete — which is quite interesting as it involves Scioli, stolen public money and Venezuela — then check out this article on Infobae.

They're also claiming the violent people are not part of their protest and they don't know who they are.
These idiots blocking the road, should be given a taste of tear gas and water cannons.
I think it was a mix of factors:
  1. The largest immigrant groups in Argentina were the Italian and the Spaniards, and the two already shared a lot of history (Romans in Spain, Borbone family in Southern Italy, Arabs all over)
  2. Language was not much of a barrier for Italians when immigrating to Argentina, but it was for those immigrating to the US
  3. Immigrations in the US included a greater variety of nationalities and all at the same time, so the birth of "closed circles" based on the common language was more likely to happen.
  4. Immigration in the US lead to immigrants of a specific geographic provenience to found their towns/ciities and stick together. For example, the large group of Dutch in Pennsylvania, or the Swiss Amish in Ohio, etc.
  5. Immigration in Argentina came to a halt during the 20th century as Argentina stopped developing and attracting people, whereas I feel that there is still a steady draw of immigrants toward the US.
As a consequence, I believe that integration in Argentina was easier, with fewer nationalities, fewer difficulties, and happened over a limited timespan. Since we are now at the 2-3-4th generation they have already blended seamlessly, the Italian and the Spaniards descendants. To put this in pictures, I see Argentina as a big "grey" area with smaller dots representing us, the immigrants of the 2000's; whereas I see the US as a dotted map all over, with some large areas that are black or white (no reference to skin complexion here), with few larger cities who are grey (I'd say NYC, but I don't know the others).

You look at the Calabrese in Argentina NOW and the Calabrese in Calabria, Italy Now . Both evolved somehow differently in different environments that is on the outside, as you mention, food, clothing , etc. BUT inside their thinking processes and way of doing Business, and family traditions are the Same.. I claim, they brought the Mafia everywhere they went to; America, Australia and elsewhere. Like the Calabrese in Newark are different from Calabrese in Italy... for sure

I'm sure that your experience in Argentina comes from having had contact with Italian descent Families in the small towns in the Provincia de Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, and Corrientes. ??
I have full sympathy for the Cresta Roja employees. They've been dumped on from a great height.
I have full sympathy for the Cresta Roja employees. They've been dumped on from a great height.

True that. Here's an easy to understand graphical representation of the Cresta Roja path to ruin. Seems to leave out Precios Cuidados though.

I'm sure that your experience in Argentina comes from having had contact with Italian descent Families in the small towns in the Provincia de Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, and Corrientes. ??

Believe it or not, most of my social life here is with US expats. The others I just incidentally met around, in shops, etc.