Now For Residents To Travel Abroad You Need To Inform Afip.

To distinguish between resident and non resident argentines? If you're an argentine, but are not residing permanently in argentina, then you're treated as a non resident. Depends on what address you've got on your DNI.

I will leave the interpretation to the concerned parties...
This only applies to Argentines who are residing in Argentina, not foreign residents. And the article seems to only have spoken with Aerolineas Argentina, Austral and a customer of Baquebus. Doesn't seem like a general decree. It seems you can avoid all the paperwork if you go with another airline since you're only required to give these numbers when you purchase tickets with these companies.

Who knows what this government is cooking up now. We'll see. I'd be careful though since usually there are decretos for such policies and as far as I can tell there isn't one out about this yet.

Anyway, just wanted to clarify that this doesn't apply to all residents. Only Argentine citizens.


I don't think this has anything to do with preventing travel. They don't care if Argentines leave. They just don't want the dollars leaving along with them. But yes, IF this is true, and like I said so far there is no evidence that this is state policy enforced by AFIP, then it will affect travel of Argentines. But the goal of the government is not to stop anyone from traveling. They're just panicking about depleting dollar reserves and instead of fixing their own policies, they're punishing the citizens of the country...well, what can I say, you deserve the government you elect.

Since it's increasing difficult to obtain foreign currency, the whole point of these preposterous exchange rate measures is, de facto, to prevent Argentines from traveling. The government just can't state it in those terms, even as does everything possible to make it more difficult to leave the country.
Since it's increasing difficult to obtain foreign currency, the whole point of these preposterous exchange rate measures is, de facto, to prevent Argentines from traveling. The government just can't state it in those terms, even as does everything possible to make it more difficult to leave the country.

Okay, but what is the point of such a move? While I admit this makes it difficult for argentines to travel. I don't see that as being the goal. These measures only seem to be there to stop the ever draining reserves from draining even further. Problem is, its the government's own policies that are draining those funds. But ever ready to blame others, this government is doing everything to blame the 40 million argentines for the problems they've created.
we are planning to travel abroad and one of our children is argentine. When we traveled to Uruguay in December they generated a CUIL for our daughter at the buquebus office and told me that I have to "dar de alta" this number at ANSES.
Now my questions are
- how do I do that?
- is it necessary if we are flying with Tam/LAN? We already purchased the tickets on a German website and tree of course they didn't ask for the cuil nor did they want to know our passport numbers/nationalities.
Thanks in advance for your help!