Obamacare: Do Expats Need To Buy Health Insurance?

Now if you are stating that you consider having to have insurance a tax, well, we can back it our further
85% of the population has insurance.

Of the 15% remaining, many will be exempt either through receiving insurance through their employer (mandated for companies over 51 employees), staying on their parents plan (until 26) or not meeting the income requirements.

No it won't. I think you need to re read that page.

There is new medicare tax on those making 125K+ individual and 200K+ for joint filiers. If you think those are the only tax hikes you are seriously under informed.


It is not easily understood but you seem to be taking one paragraph on a very long page and you are omitting everything else. For started bullet point 1 you omit states clearly.
"• For the majority of the 85% of Americans with health insurance the percentage of income paid in taxes won't change much, if at all. However, some of the changes may directly or indirectly affect specific groups."

That is 15% at least who are impacted not 2%. That is bulet point 1.

Bullet point 3
"• As a rule of thumb those who make less pay less and those who make more pay more, both in regard to health insurance costs and taxes under the Affordable Care Act."

So that bullet point implies everyone is impacted in some way. The bottomline is if you work and earn money you will pay more. That is a fact that can be proved by our tax returns. Did you do an estimated 2013 tax yet? If you did you would know you were impacted. If you are a family of 3 or 4 making arond 90K you are going to pay more. Now if you want to argue that govt mandated insurance premiums are not taxes you can, but the supreme court ruled differently.
You guys are funny. You argue without doing the homework. Germano I have gone into this in depth. One man who argued with me wrote Munich and then was gracious enough to tell me he heard back from Germany and . . . they agree with me. Not all men would be "man enough" to admit that after arguing but he is! Hitler went to the Bariloche area. The house he and Iva (or Eva or whatever) lived in is still there. It was built for him by Mercedes before Germany fell. Wall Street put the guy in power. Then as Bariloche was discovered as a resort area and had so many people going there, they moved up to Cordoba. So they were in Cordoba but not "squarely," Ghost. They came by way of Bariloche.

As for fluoride, the fluoride that is in the water naturally is a different chemical from that put artificially in water. What they put in water is actually toxic waste from making aluminum that they really can't dump anywhere because of the toxicity. You guys just drink all the fluoride you want. In fact, I think maybe you've gotten a pretty good dose of it already.

For the rest of you, "a word to the wise is sufficient."

I fear you're really going over the edge here.
Actually the insurance premiums are not the tax. The tax is the penalty one pays for not paying for the premiums, for not having insurance .

Note the second paragraph here for Chief Roberts exact words.

You guys are funny. You argue without doing the homework. Germano I have gone into this in depth. One man who argued with me wrote Munich and then was gracious enough to tell me he heard back from Germany and . . . they agree with me. Not all men would be "man enough" to admit that after arguing but he is! Hitler went to the Bariloche area. The house he and Iva (or Eva or whatever) lived in is still there. It was built for him by Mercedes before Germany fell. Wall Street put the guy in power. Then as Bariloche was discovered as a resort area and had so many people going there, they moved up to Cordoba. So they were in Cordoba but not "squarely," Ghost. They came by way of Bariloche.

As for fluoride, the fluoride that is in the water naturally is a different chemical from that put artificially in water. What they put in water is actually toxic waste from making aluminum that they really can't dump anywhere because of the toxicity. You guys just drink all the fluoride you want. In fact, I think maybe you've gotten a pretty good dose of it already.

For the rest of you, "a word to the wise is sufficient."

Jinkies Arlean, I have a friend who wrote Antananarivo and when Madagascar got back to him they told him in no uncertain terms that it was all lies (and they underlined the word lies!). Oh dear, what are we to do? If only there was an established, universally accepted, transparent method by which we could test the veracity of a hypothesis...

I've got it, I'll call the Aztec chief in the pyramid on Mars!
Che - let's try this yet one more time.

My post was in response to GS_Dirtboy who claimed that income tax was going up. And for 98% it will not. Income.tax.

Medicare tax. Re-read the link you posted again. The threshold amounts are $250,000 for married taxpayers who file jointly, $125,000 for married taxpayers who file separately (which adds up to 250K), and $200,000 for all other taxpayers. An employer is responsible for withholding the Additional Medicare Tax from wages or compensation it pays to an employee in excess of $200,000 in a calendar year or 250K if married and filing jointly or 125 if married and filing singly.

What percentage of the US makes over that? Right, 2%. So 2% will be face an additional payroll tax if their salary exceeds either 250,00K for married or 200K for singles.

And no, the penalty for not having insurance is not a tax. Twin explained it better than I. But even of that 15% number that you're throwing around, most of the uninsured will be exempt from the penalty for reason of income, etc.

Yes, there may be additional costs for some people in terms of their insurance premiums going up (depending on where they live, income, etc) And there are changes to medication coverage which probably will have the greatest negative impact. But in terms of people paying additional taxes, it is simply a red herring with no basis in fact.
Pelosi - we'll have to pass the bill first before you will know what is in it.
Now the bill is passed - and the act is 11 million words.

Anyone who claims to know what they are talking about is either ignorant, a liar, or has a grand vision of themself. Whatever... the fact is healthcare cots and taxes are going up for all. You can point to all the websites you want. The bottom line is the pocket book.

The bronze plan right off the bat provides no upside limit on deductable. Is that affordable? I guess it depends on what happens.

The silver plan for a family making around 100K is going to cost around 8K year + deductable of around 9K. Is that fforable? I guess it is if you have an extra 16=17K yr lying around when your family makes 100K.

Fact is no one knows what this brings. Even the IRS website ha whole sections that are TBD.

I am glad you support it. I hope it works and I hope it is affordable. Wasting time on it here is a waste of time. That is the only fact.

p.s - if you consider emplyee withholdings not a tax then we are really living on different planets.
Actually the insurance premiums are not the tax. The tax is the penalty one pays for not paying for the premiums, for not having insurance .

Note the second paragraph here for Chief Roberts exact words.


From the above article "He [Obama}not only misled Americans about the nature of the mandate but also broke his word about raising taxes on the middle class."

So syngirl I guess you are arguing Forbes is wrong on this point re: raising taxes on the middle class but is right on the mandate being the "only" tax?

And you are more correct than this article regarding only taxing the the 2%?

if you are self employed and still paying taxes in the US and you are making $50-$100+ year you know your taxes went up in 2013. You should have filed a return by yesterday and you should have estimated your 2013 payment. If you don;t pay taxes, well you are like 47% of the other Americans who don;t and thus vote yourselves handouts....whatever you are, I think you are mis informed and I will agree to disagree with you. The future we will live together and find out together.... the artivle above clearly states the middle clas is getting taxed. MY return filed yesterday manifests this. If I decide to mvoe back to the US I would be on the hook for at least $11K+ per year than I am paying OMINT here for less coverage. If that's a success so be it. For me it is a big F_A_I_L