Occupy Wallstreet... and Bs As?

the social contract is for the government to keep the marauding bands out of your property in exchange for allegiance and of course taxes.

"keep a big hunk of it" what does she mean by keep? that doesn't sound very contractual.
Why worry about marauding bands when we have Congresswoman Walters?


The quote from Elizabeth Warren suggests that corporate profits are only possible because of benefits provided by government when the exact opposite is true.

Wealth has to be created before it can be confiscated and redistributed...or spent on shovel ready projects.:p
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and on my screen! the Argentine government is not doing enough to protect me from my own decisions. Can't top that.
Income inequality has been growing most rapidly in of all countries - China. The government of China is well aware of this and have been striving to reduce the inequality because they know that social unrest invariably arises when gross inequality is allowed to increase dramatically.

Gross income equality is not a given with a capitalist economy. Income equality was at very low levels after WWII in the US. And the US was more capitalist in that time than it is today - less government spending on welfare schemes.
Matt84 said:
what does Income Equality look like? as reported IRL,.

Economists created the Gini cooeficient to measure income inequality:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient .The Gini coefficient is a measure of the inequality of a distribution, a value of 0 expressing total equality and a value of 1 maximal inequality.

IRL neither a 0 nor a 1 exists. "0" being everyone had exactly the same stuff. "1" being that only 1 person had everything and everyone else didn't have a pot to....
I'm familiar with that index, I'm just looking for an example of what actual income equality looks like, if this phenomenon exists.
Matt84 said:
I'm familiar with that index, I'm just looking for an example of what actual income equality looks like, if this phenomenon exists.

Well the US was had much less income equality after the second world war. Certainly the 400 richest families didn't own half the country's assets back then! The company boss didn't make 400 or 500 times what the worker made. And so the worker could afford a house for his family. His wife could stay at home and raise the kids if she wanted - like June Cleaver!

If you wanted a job in the late 40's and 50's you just went down to Main St. or the factory and you were working the next day. That's what income equality looks like.

Now the rich have outsourced jobs to line their pockets. High school and college graduates are making less income, paying less taxes, spending more time between jobs. Getting pissed off - as they have every right to. That what income inequality looks like.

No one is suggesting there should be absolute equality. Go ahead and take 30% of the countries wealth - maybe 40% just leave the people a little. We certainly don't need the government instituting policies that make income inequality even worse, e.g. by encouraging outsourcing, by allowing other countries to dump products by undervalued/pegged currencies etc. etc.
steveinbsas said:
Actually, I would support them if they showed the slightest desire to support themselves.

So it's your opinion that the young people of today are lazier than in the past. They don't study as hard? They just aren't trying?

Why do you think people are lazier today than in the past?

The fact of the matter is it is a lot more difficult to get work today than when I first started. People are NOT lazier, NOT less intelligent, NOT less motivated. The opportunities that existed in the past just DON'T exist today.

It is all a result of the changes in the economic environment today, crony capitalism shifting resources to those with connections. Allowing the hollowing out of manufacturing. Creating financial bubbles, first the internet bubble and then the housing bubble, etc. etc.
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