You've been watching the mainstream media if you think this protest is about any one thing in particular. Some protests have a list of "demands," which I think are pretty reasonable: healthcare, education, jobs, etc. But if you've followed these protests on YouTube or even via their live stream, you would know that MSNBC is incorrect in suggesting that everyone out there hates capitalism, and that FOX News is incorrect in suggesting that everyone out there is a socialist at best, a communist at worst.
The fact is that you have all sorts of groups out there. There are labor unions, people who support free market capitalism, people who think we need more "social justice", and then you have people like myself who think we need a
new system all together. The mainstream media is going to twist this to fit their agenda, as they always manage to do.
We're the only species on this planet that has to pay (monetarily) to live on this planet. Think about that. This is just the beginning.