I havent seen a single sign in any of the pictures that says anything about "the belief that the resources of the world are rightfully owned by everyone equally and should be shared as such...regardless of individual ability or effort...simply on the basis of need".
What I have heard is a disgust for the speculative derivatives and mortgage backed securities swindles that drove the entire world economy into recession.
What I have heard is a disgust for those same bankers giving themselves multi million dollar bonuses, with taxpayer bailout money, while their firms lost money.
What I have heard is a disgust for hedge fund managers, over 25 of whom made over $1 billion dollars each last year, scamming the tax code and paying taxes at a rate lower than a bus driver or a plumber pays.
What I have heard is a disgust for making teachers, policemen, and firemen the scapegoats for the failed gambles of billionaires, whilst said billionaires, like for instance the multi-bankrupt Donald Trump, continue to be rich, pay low taxes, and get government subsidies for their projects.
Marx has been conspicuously absent from these protests, although his spirit does live on in the huge government giveaways to oil companies, defense contractors, banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds- they are all getting government mandated redistribution of MY wealth...