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anatolie said:I really don't understand the comments about Bs.As being an expensive city. United States is a very cheap place and who knows how the businesses make any money by selling goods cheaper than places like Turkey or Greece. I had two friends visiting London from Argentina recently- and sterling is the weakest it has been in a long time, they thought UK was 10 times more expensive- even though it is a bit of an exaggeration.
Yes we know about the annual inflation rate of 20-30% and I checked every single forum and blog on information on life in Argentina and the cost of living and asked a couple of portenos if those prices were accurate so that I am better prepared, yes they are accurate and the prices are still 1/2 to 1/3 of London on average, public transport being probably 1/10- a single metro ticket is about 12-20 pesos in London. A movie ticket costs £2.50 to £3.50 there when we pay £7.50-10 in UK. I look at the rentals, rooms cost about £500 in an average suburb- nowhere near the centre- in London, sharing the flat with 3 others, check Craigslist Buenos Aires- the flashiest rooms in the best parts of the city- that would cost £800-1000 per month are about £200-300. Yes it must be very expensive for an average porteno, but for someone that has USD or GBP income?
There was a comment about Colonia being 1/3 more expensive than Bs As and Montevideo even more, that is another third world country. I have never been to US but wondering how cheap it must be outside New York, to be cheaper than some third world countries where people are earning £2 an hour.
I do not believe that anyone would need to spend 4k a month if they got out of Belgrano or Palermo , stopped eating in restaurants every day. I could spend that money in Ethiopia easily too if I tried, it depends on how one lives. From what I understand, Buenos Aires is a great city despite the rising crime, so there must be a lot to do or stuff to spend your money on, not some boring small American or English town. And electronics and imported goods are usually very expensive in third world countries.
To me this is very cheap even if the prices are 10-20% more now - and apparently they are not:
Judging a city by bus and train fares is the height of friviolity . Yes they are cheaper than London or Sydney or New York but what about sheets, towels, jeans, shoes, food, restaurants, and a myriad of other products that are way dearer. If you want cheap here you will get cheap with a capital C meaning that the life of the product is very short. I buy good quality clothing and shoes and nice towels and double ply toilet paper and twice a week I go to a asian restaurant and catch taxis 10 times a week . I do not have a luxurious lifestyle but a comfortable lifestyle that was similar to my home country in Sydney Australia. Everything that I can compare with there is cheaper now except taxi fares and buying properties which are ridicously overpriced in the harbour city. Rentals are cheaper in Buenos Aires but not by a lot.
To say that this is much cheaper than Europe is a myth . I have many friends of mine from London who live here fulltime and are not on holidays and they all say its the same over a year . Remember a holiday is not living here and creating a life and the costs involved in that . There are so many products here that are seriously overpriced that would be considered cheap in most societies and these are not luxuries . I can send you a detailed list if you PM me and will compare the costs .
Some Items outrageusly priced are Rice, All Nuts, dried fruits, Fruits like raspberries and cranberries which are local and in huge abundance as Argentina is the world leader in raspberry production. Spices, cakes and most food products are dearer here than Europe . I have not mentioned cheese which is so dear to be laughable in cow country.
Good quality Clothing and jewellery is way dearer and electronics is so expensive that you would be unwise to purchase.
I love Buenos Aires but it is damn expensive .