i've always wondered what organic meant. in the usa, there really isn't much of an official definition. when i was doing research in cuba, they had organic farms and their definition didn't mean they didn't use pesticides. in college i was told that organic, as opposed to inorganic, was anything that contained a carbon molecule. most of the worst pesticides include carbon molecules and could by some be then considered organic. two commonly used "organic" plant based insecticide/pesticides, rotenone and pyrethrim/n are just as poisonous as any that come from a factory. just because they come from a plant doesn't mean they are any good for you. and actually most of the production of rotenone and pyrethrin is from factories, no brand that i know of is made from plants anymore. so what does organic mean in argentina or to you? does it mean that the fertilizer was cow manure instead of a pure form of nitrogen made in a factory? i dont know, do you? personally i might rather have a pure form of nitrogen used then something that passed thru a cow, pig or chicken. i wonder, and perhaps some people will list what they think are the qualities that make organic produce organic. and then maybe we should ask some of the producers or stores what they think makes their produce organically grown.