Patagonia Expat


Feb 12, 2014
Hi all, I have been lurking during the 3 years I have been living in wonderful and interesting Argentina. Married to an Argentine woman, 1 kid and one more on the way.

Though I rarely visit BsAs, this forum is the best source of useful info and less useful but interesting opinions.

I run my own business, which currently can be done using Internet only, so I am location independent. I chose the Lake district as I need nature and outdoor close to me, anybody else here living in that area?

Lived on the Chilean side in the lakes region but have moved northeast to Mendoza for more sun and less rain. Did the border run to Bariloche a few times when I lived down there. Nice town.

After living +10 years in the Bs As province, my goal is now to live in another province and open 1 or 2 businesses there (my main business= like you, Internet needed, that's all).
Rio Negro tops my list (El Bolson maybe), then Cordoba & Mendoza.

Where exactly do you live?
Thanks, all. I live in San Martin de Los Andes.
More quiet than Bariloche, but that's why I love it. It's safer and easier to get on a mountainbike, if you cycle in any direction for more than 2 minutes, you are either in a forest (going uphill) or in the lake.

I love the Chilean side as well, just cycled the TransAndes Challenge in January, the forests and trails are incredible. It's a lot wetter though and I like the compactness of San Martin and the people here. Few foreigners, but a lot of great people that fled Bs As for a more quiet and active life.

There is always room for smart businesses here, but it must be tourism-related, and you should get your income in the 2 high seasons (X-mas-Feb + Jul-Aug). Now 100% of hotel beds are occupied, in a few weeks it will be quiet again.

What is the internet situation like down there in San Martin de Los Andes? I too work remotely via internet and can't get a fast connection in the small town I live in ...
What is the internet situation like down there in San Martin de Los Andes? I too work remotely via internet and can't get a fast connection in the small town I live in ...

The 3G dongle I used the first year was a disaster, but now I have a fixed line with ADSL which works fine. Not super fast (2mbps), but enough for video skype and regular work. It is a small cooperative (COTESMA), so monopoly as well and with high prices (see Looking at it I just noticed they also offer 4 & 6mbs now so that's better. The upload speeds are much less, so backing up photos in the cloud takes a while.

They have been digging in new cables along the 7 Lakes road the past few months, so there is is talk of upcoming fiber, but nothing available yet.
I've been living in Argentina for about 10 years; the last 7 of those in Bariloche.

I'm here for the love of the mountains (and maintain a trekking website in my spare time: & I used to do loads of trekking but hung up my boots in favour or running I just run the trekking trails. I snowboard in the winter and when I'm not in the mountains can usually be found at home dabbling in web design.

Stop by and say hi to my friends Laura y Guillermo who have a new rotiseria in town called "Arrayanes." They are both porteños and have twin toddlers.

San Martin is my favorite place in the south. Thinking about moving there myself if I can figure out a way to make a living.