Philadelphia Cream Cheese and Sour Cream

I buy real vanilla extract at the local dietetica (Ravignani, Carranza, o Bonpland near Santa Fe, forget which). Bodega Amparo sells vanilla beans, whole and supple, not dried twigs. A package of 3 cost 12 pesos last time I bought them, a decent price I think.
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My local chinos is great! They have Philly, Nutella, coconut milk....def the best one I have lived by so far. Guatemala y FitzRoy. Moving on Tuesday though, I will miss it!
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maybe there is a UK/USA definition problem, but i always thought real vanilla were vanilla pods or sticks. Seen them in barrio chino and plenty of other health food shops. Bit surprised at this thread. Philadelphia or vanilla pods seem like easier things to find...

Does anyone know where to get duck fat?? Even a guy who sells duck and duck eggs in Juramento says he can't get the fat... (confit would be nice)
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As for Phili, I knmow the big grocery store (Carrefour I think) on Santa Fe at Peureydon has it usually. I have been buying there for a few years. For the best real bagels in town go around the corner to Jewish bakery called Kokush on Tucuman just by Peureydon.

I don´t think CasanCrema is sour creme, at least not in my experience. I made my own. There are recipes all over the internet and it is very easy.

Cheers, RR
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irina said:

I got an Argentine brand of cream cheese at the Palermo location a few months ago. It of course came in bag but what 10 pesos cheaper than the Philadelphia (which they also had) and worked just as good in my recipes. I haven't been since so I'm not sure how their inventory is withstanding all the restrictions.

I second Irina. I found it at bodega Amparo. But you must check out Tregar's queso crema (do not confuse with queso blanco). It tastes exactly the same as Philadelphia but about 75% cheaper.

check it out in under productos/frescos/queso crema
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cuore said:
But you must check out Tregar's queso crema (do not confuse with queso blanco). It tastes exactly the same as Philadelphia but about 75% cheaper.

check it out in under productos/frescos/queso crema

I second the recommendation for Tregar's queso crema. I don't think it tastes exactly like Philadelphia cream cheese (I find it to be saltier), but it's the closest I've found. It also doesn't perform quite as well for making cream cheese icing (I haven't tried it for cheesecake).

For sour cream, I mix Casancrem with lemon juice. It tastes pretty close and the texture is quite similar.

I have bought pure vanilla extract at Makro (a wholesaler) in Mar del Plata. I'm not sure if that store exists in Buenos Aires or not. Point being, if it's available in MdP, surely those of you in the capital can find it.

Good luck with your cheesecake!
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there should really be a section, to fulfil an obvious need of the users of this forum, called.. "where can I buy......"
I am visualising a frantic expat stampede in search of the illusive Philly in all four corners of the city :)
Maybe we should just keep this to ourselves...sssshh!
When I'm in need of a sour cream replacement for accompaniment to things like Mexican food I use the following:

1 part Finlandia
1 part Plain yogurt
Few squeezes lime juice (lemon will do if limes not found)
Dash of salt

Mix it up and you have a yummy replacement for sour cream.

Do not advise use for replacement in sweet things like frosting, haha. (Although for frosting you could try an experiment of 1 part Finlandia, 1 part whole cream, it might work -- perhaps whipping cream first and then folding into the Finlandia).