Used the pilar express from Plaza Italia today.
The driver was not ready to accept effectivo. he told me to go to boleteria. When I went to Boletria, they said they sell tickets for other buses except Pilar express and I must have sube card ( which I do not have).
Ultimately a very nice Argentine lady helped me. She punched her Sube card twice and let me board the bus. She was so nice to me that she evn refused to take the 12 peso fare despite my repeated attempts! BLESS the Argentines..I love this country!
On my way back, a boy - a college student did the same for me though he did gladly accept the fare from me in effectivo.
At Pilar, it was tough to get the remi. I found the remi service but they did not have aremi for 20 minutes. while returning in evening on Pilar express, it was much slower, stopping everywhere and seemed like a never ending ride!
Hope this helps potential pilar express users!