I cannot understate the comfort of having an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) as a backup for low-consumption/high-importance electronics such as your router, especially when working from home. I wanted to mention this in this thread.
I have two UPS's in my home.
I use a plug strip to connect my laptop and my router and a lamp with a 5w LED llightbulb, sd well as a Bose series II Sounddock.
When, on very rare occasions, the power is off, the USB kicks in instantly.
I immediately disconnect the lapotp from the power supply so as not to drain the battery in the USB so quickly.
I finish any work I have in progress and then turn off the laptop and the UPS
My router still works with the USB, as I am not hard wired to the internet,
I have an antena on the roof of my home (which is actually a house) that receives the wifi signal from a nearby tower. Fortunately, the wifi signal has never been affected by a power outage in my neighborhood.
Below are current ML pubications for the exact same model of the UPS's I have been using for abuout five years:
The lowest priced unit as of this morning:
Estas UPS de alto rendimiento para computadoras personales, servidores y redes pequeñas incluye máxima protección en un diseño flexible. Sus tomas de salida para respaldo de batería con regulación automática de tensión (AVR) le permiten trabajar incluso durante las más frecuentes bajas y caídas...
The highest price unit as of this morning:
Encontrá más productos en Mercado Libre
It obviously "pays" to compare prices before making a purchase.
The alarm system for my house is connected to the second UPS, but the only times it has ever been "activated" have been when I tested it using the "panic" button.