Preparing to go to colonia for 7th time! Eek!!

If you're worried, perhaps you want to look at another location - Chile, Montevideo, Brasil (if you already have a visa that is).

Just a suggestion although again, I haven't personally heard of any of my friends having problems.
steveinbsas said:
If you stick to lawyerly advice you might get a client or two from this forum, but not from the USA and not because of your Nazi analogy. Few of us would have the chutzpah to stay in Argentina without a valid visa for the two or three years necessary to become eligible for citizenship. Fewer still would be willing or able to stay for that length of time without returning to the US to attend the Nazi rallies.

(If you use opera web browser you will enable the spell check feature of this website.)

Steve, returning for attending nazi rallies doesn´t stop the 2 years countdown. If you take a look at the thread about citizenship, the prosecutor didn´t complain about a 4 month trip to the UK neither to the colonia express.

I apologize for using Nazi as a sinonim of war criminal, from now in advance I will use war criminal or genocidal to refer to those people who torture sistematicly and kill randomly many thousands of civilians. In Argentina Videla killed and tortured ONLY 30.000 for becaming a genocidal, we are generous, aren´t we?.

And regarding the US immigration policies, in order to do not hurt sensibilities I will use the concept "proslavery philosophy" to identify the idea that there are people with and without rights.

Luckly this is a country where people has rights because they are humans.

However, the idea that immigrants have to be criminalized and that they are responsibles of all the economy crisis belong to Joseph Goebbels, so I will keep using the word nazi to describe this political discourse.

well, I went in the end.

and do you know what happened on the way back? She leafed through my passport taking in every one of 2 years' worth of stamps, said "as a tourist, yes?", I said "yes", and she stamped another three months in.