
Come on, Zegna, that was not an attack - just poking a little fun at you.

I'm puzzled by your repeated allusions to my "jealousy". Why should I be jealous of you?
SaraSara said:
Come on, Zegna, that was not attacking - just poking a little fun at you.

I'm puzzled by your repeated allusions to my "jealousy". Why should I be jealous of you?

I have no idea. But I have never had someone bring up my " wealth " so many times.
ssr said:
Alex, you got a lot of fight in you, champ. Here, I'll pick one with you: LA sucks. The entire world would be better off if the Big One gets shaking already and sinks that sprawling mess into the Pacific already. LA's biggest exports--crappy movies and nasty people--certainly wouldn't be missed. :p

Nasty people?! Born and raised in LA and also have lived in Atlanta, Texas, and the east coast. East coasters are some of the coldest, rudest, hurried people I've ever seen.....Boston, New York, DC/ that order. LA people are definitely arrogant, but most of the "nasty people" are in fact not LA "natives" but transplants looking to make it from you got.....the east coast, midwest, and the south!!!! By the way most modern cities in the world are sprawls....I can never understand why east coasters harp on that fact. Their cities are ancient....and infested with rats! :)
I poke fun at you and your "wealth" because I think that it is plain wrong to brag about a comfortable financial situation when so many people are struggling. I'm not one of them, but very soon after joining the forum I realized it was best to keep my personal finances private.

It is ironic that you accuse me of lacking class, while resorting to petty insults: just in this thread you have called me irrelevant, ignorant, classless, and "dolt". Interesting, that you have been forced to resort to personal insults, the last resource of those without arguments.

Luckily, I'm too old to mind. FYI, my age doesn't bother me - if it did, I would not have posted it. However, it seems to bother you a great deal. Sorry about that.

AlexfromLA said:

You're still talking about my " wealth " aren't you ? The members of the geriatric set are pretty irrelevant, and they are obviously upset at me for pointing it out.

As to your second jibe. I'm in my 20's i'm not saying im wise you dolt. What I am saying is you have exhibited neither wisdom or knowledge. And also a lack of class for someone your age.

But hey, thats just how you role.
LAtoBA said:
.I can never understand why east coasters harp on that fact. Their cities are ancient....and infested with rats! :)

GIANT rats that run in packs. And flocks of man eating pigeons. I have this argument with my buddy from NYC all the time. The city smells like a sewer and still they have the nerve try and trash talk LA.
I do find it annoying to have to constantly read people complaining about their own personal finances on the internet. But like someone said in a previous post, some people just like to complain.

SaraSara said:
I poke fun at you and your "wealth" because I think that it is plain wrong to brag about a comfortable financial situation when so many people are struggling.

I don't think you get it, you're in your 60's. you should be exhibiting a much higher level of class and refinement than in their 20's, even if its only on the internet.

And lets be real, you and your geriatric brigade of stalwarts have been doing nothing but try to flame me for the past couple of hours. It's okay though, I can take it. Water off a ducks back.

SaraSara said:
It is ironic that you accuse me of lacking class, while resorting to petty insults: just in this thread you have called me irrelevant, ignorant, classless, and now "dolt".
AlexfromLA said:
I don't think you get it, you're in your 60's....

And lets be real, you and your geriatric brigade of stalwarts have been doing nothing but try to flame me for the past couple of hours. It's okay though, I can take it. Water off a ducks back.

What's your problem with senior citizens? Why does age bother you so much? You keep making references to it: "60, geriatric brigade"...

Frankly, you don't seem to be able to "take" anything at all - I've never seen anyone so thin-skinned, or so totally lacking a sense of humor.

Try to work on that - it can make life so much more enjoyable...!
Actually this kind of thread is the reason for such forums to exist in the first place: expats or potential expats who are considering coming, leaving, length of stay, etc., because of living conditions, among which prices are a big factor. Why this should be controversial is beyond me, but not everyone on this forum is sane...

Some mentally dubious people (AlexfromLA, etc.) believe that the purpose of this forum is for them to preen like a primadonna, talk endlessly about how they're ballers and carry $200K around in cash, use "kool kidz" internetz language to show off how with-it they are, etc.; others use it as a platform for their bizarre political views, and some Argentinians use it as an exercise in bashing the Yankees and "defending the honor of the nation" and of the Kirchners from evil internet posts; in other words this forum is a substitute social life for him/them, and so he trolls this thread to, once again, claim he's got money and he's a big player on the BA financial scene lol

People should stop paying attention to this internet trash and talk about prices, this is one of the biggest factors in choosing to move to or live in any place at all. To the others, I suggest if you want to talk about how evil, inconsiderate, and stupid posters here are because they want to talk about prices, make your own thread or forum. You can happily discuss your $200K in cash, how you don't care about prices, and how you like Chavez and Venezuela (but wouldn't live there) without bothering people here.
SaraSara... is it not obvious that AlexfromLA is merely goading you on...whether he knows it or not. He is the one with many issues (immaturity for one)..that is causing him to strike out with insults at nearly everyone. A classic case of projection.
Well said, polostar.

I agree that one of the most important roles of forums like this is to provide accurate, real-time information about prices and living conditions. We cannot rely on the likes of International Living.