Actually this kind of thread is the reason for such forums to exist in the first place: expats or potential expats who are considering coming, leaving, length of stay, etc., because of living conditions, among which prices are a big factor. Why this should be controversial is beyond me, but not everyone on this forum is sane...
Some mentally dubious people (AlexfromLA, etc.) believe that the purpose of this forum is for them to preen like a primadonna, talk endlessly about how they're ballers and carry $200K around in cash, use "kool kidz" internetz language to show off how with-it they are, etc.; others use it as a platform for their bizarre political views, and some Argentinians use it as an exercise in bashing the Yankees and "defending the honor of the nation" and of the Kirchners from evil internet posts; in other words this forum is a substitute social life for him/them, and so he trolls this thread to, once again, claim he's got money and he's a big player on the BA financial scene lol
People should stop paying attention to this internet trash and talk about prices, this is one of the biggest factors in choosing to move to or live in any place at all. To the others, I suggest if you want to talk about how evil, inconsiderate, and stupid posters here are because they want to talk about prices, make your own thread or forum. You can happily discuss your $200K in cash, how you don't care about prices, and how you like Chavez and Venezuela (but wouldn't live there) without bothering people here.