Prison Break - Is It A Mafia Thing?

they say the dogs chasing them after the truck overturned had no sense of smell... :D
Conglatulations to the province police of Entre Rios for the capture because the merit belongs 100% to them, even the President, Bullrich and Vidal were self conglatulating on twitter for something they didn't do:

It was needed 3 horses, a gaucho and good police work to acchieve success where the dream team failed over and over.
LOL at the media... What a stuff up. Hopefully the guy they caught opens his mouth about that little rat Anibal and his sidekicks.
I don't think one needs to be a K supporter to call the handling of this affair amateur hour on the part of the new govt.

This is true even after accounting for the corruption in the rank and file that one imagines they inherited.

And it does not inspire confidence in their ability to root out corruption and create world-class security and order.
I don't think one needs to be a K supporter to call the handling of this affair amateur hour on the part of the new govt.

This is true even after accounting for the corruption in the rank and file that one imagines they inherited.

And it does not inspire confidence in their ability to root out corruption and create world-class security and order.

to be fair, they're relying on the police etc left over from the last lot. Still this should highlight the huge gaps in communication between all the forces and government that need fixed.
to be fair, they're relying on the police etc left over from the last lot. Still this should highlight the huge gaps in communication between all the forces and government that need fixed.

Just to be clear, I'm referring to the handling of this affair from the start, not just the latest cluster####. Instead of shutting up and doing their job, with a minimum of announcements as dictated by public safety concerns, recriminations galore, endless talking finger-pointing etc. A true argie game.

Aníbal Fernández is a nobody. A complete has-been. Why is the nation's vice-president responding to him? Why show how easily he gets under their skin? Either you have something good on him, in which case wait till you're ready and arrest him and bring him to trial, or you don't - then you shut up and let him have his barbs.

Ms. Bullrich today: "We were deliberately fed false information". By who? By your own services? Then that's a whole lot graver than being fed false information. By others? Then why in hell do you make announcements until you're quite sure you know what you're talking about? And once you didn't do that and got caught with your pants down, why not just STFU? Why always say something?

So who, exactly, gave whom this false information? Let's see:

“Esta pista falsa nos lleva a una investigación muy profunda para determinar quiénes fueron los que dieron información falsa. Vamos a ir a fondo. Pudo significar que les dio tiempo a los otros dos prófugos. Hubo una cierta complicidad”.

"Una investigación muy profunda... a fondo". Good luck with that. My BS-meter is about to burst. If you have nothing to say, don't say anything at all.

Petty and typically, typically Argentine. Not much of a change here, certainly not for the better.