Psa Aprehended In Eze A Band Of "suitcase Openers"


Jun 6, 2005
13 Marzo 2017

Caen 14 abrevalijas que les robaban a pasajeros de Aerolíneas en Ezeiza

.....The suspects are 14 employees of the GPS company, which serves Aerolíneas Argentinas (AA) for flights to the United States. They are the ones who carry out the last scan of the bags before they enter the plane. In that instance - they found out - they opened and stole everything from perfumes and money to video game consoles, which they resold.....
There was a similar case also at Malpensa Airport (Milan) several years ago. They usually stole entire bags that were then denounced as lost luggage by travelers.
One more reason why I prefer to fly out via SCL instead.

Worse than stealing (why the hell would people put watches, mobile phones and even money in checked luggage anyway?) is that they could just as easily stuff a few kilos of cocaine in your suitcase, destination Miami.
I really don't get it.
I'm sure the entire area is covered by CCTV. You're basically banking on nobody checking the cameras. Or on buying off everybody with access to the cameras.
[EDIT: OK, hadn't read the article top to bottom: they'd used equipment to block the cameras.]

And with passengers pretty likely to claim the stuff, comes across as a stupid idea.
[EDIT 2: The claims made to the airline were summarily denied; evidently someone was in on the story.
And the claims process with PSA sounds pretty convoluted;
Perhaps they were familiar enough with just how convoluted it is to assume that nobody would bother?

The other thing is that these guys were under observation for 6 months. Is it just me, or is that a ridiculous amount of time?
During which time, of course, people's stuff kept getting stolen.
I understand you may have to let some stuff get stolen so you can build a case and create a deterrent for the future. Maybe. But 6 months???
13 Marzo 2017

Caen 14 abrevalijas que les robaban a pasajeros de Aerolíneas en Ezeiza

.....The suspects are 14 employees of the GPS company, which serves Aerolíneas Argentinas (AA) for flights to the United States. They are the ones who carry out the last scan of the bags before they enter the plane. In that instance - they found out - they opened and stole everything from perfumes and money to video game consoles, which they resold.....

The two letter airline code for Aerolineas Argentinas is AR. AA is American Airlines. The latter carrier is bad enough without having a little EZE scandal linked to it! :)
JoeGillis.....despite the error in the airline code cited on the Clarin article, if you read it in its entirety it specifically names the carrier as Aerolineas Argentinas, NOT American Airlines as the targeted carrier.
JoeGillis.....despite the error in the airline code cited on the Clarin article, if you read it in its entirety it specifically names the carrier as Aerolineas Argentinas, NOT American Airlines as the targeted carrier.

I'm fully aware that the carrier in the article is AR. I was pointing out only that AA is American Airlines. My last sentence was an obvious failed attempt of humor at AA's expense. My post was not directed at you personally.
I'm fully aware that the carrier in the article is AR. I was pointing out only that AA is American Airlines. My last sentence was an obvious failed attempt of humor at AA's expense. My post was not directed at you personally.

In my opinion, your attempt was not a failure at all.