^ That is awful. Que sinverguenza infeliz.
Never experienced "racism" towards my individual person.... but I'll be damned if I haven't heard "esos Yanquis...." dozens of times.
There's some disdain for the Spanish as well, so I have double opportunity to get offended.

Usually that is more in the form of mocking.
Normally it just rolls off my back, but some really wrong-headed statements can make me clench my teeth.... and it's almost always family members.

For instance, my brother-in-law apparently got sick when he went to Spain 20 years ago, and now all Spanish doctors are bad and much worse than the doctors here.
As far as anti-Americanism goes, it doesn't help when the state supports it. The other day I had the TV on in the background and some panel was discussing human rights abuses of Cuba vs the US and it was just so over the top I was getting annoyed. Until I realized it was TV Publica and I changed the channel. Not to mention Cristina and all her rhetoric.
A lot of Argentines blame the US for the whole IMF/currency collapse of 2001... which at least is based on something.
I don't mind or really care how Argentines feel about the US, the only thing that bothers me is when there is a lack of respect for the individual, which thankfully I haven't run into.