Redistribution of Wealth At Gunpoint Is Tyranny

Here's an interesting article on the concept of secession:

I know, "oh my God! Lew Rockwell dot com! One of the many pumping hearts of libertarianism! No way!"

It's an interesting read.

Personally, I think Nullification is the first step to dealing with the federal government. Secession should be a last ditch response, but not out of the question.

Of course, as the article mentions, an advantage to secession would be the separation of the new entity from the debt and obligations of the United States. The problem I have with that is that any state that secedes was complicit in running up that debt as well.

People at the state level, in states that are becoming very concerned about the federal government, have a very real method of limiting the federal government's powers. When the senators and congressmen that the population of the state is sending to the federal seat of government continue to ignore the people's desires based on the national parties' ideas of what is needed, the local state elections can start to focus on putting people into local offices such as governor and state congress that believe in limiting the power of the federal government.

Edit: Local congressional elections only started becoming relatively unimportant overall as Washington grabbed more and more power, and have been seen as only a stepping stone to national office where the power is. That ain't right!

According to the article:

"Thirty-nine states of the United States have passed Tenth Amendment resolutions in recent months, stating that they are prepared to re-assert their authority to determine which Federal laws will be enforced within their borders. A few have enacted firearms legislation which states that firearms and ammunition manufactured and sold within the borders of a particular state are not subject to Federal law and regulation. It remains to be seen if Washington will recognize the nullification of Federal gun laws."

sleslie23 said:
Did you take the metro? The RER? The bus from the airport? Or did you walk because of your philosophical opposition to all things government supported? Even if you took a cab, you are still riding on roads that were paid for by the government.

The problem with you Randroids is that you have no problem when government is providing the services YOU use. All other be damned.

And it's just too bad I wasn't a black woman, didn't want to have an abortion, and didn't go to NYC...where black fetuses haver a lower chance for survival than many unborn babies in Africa...thanks to Planned Parenthood...whose founder wanted to exterminate blacks IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Should we thank the aborted babies?

When I was in high school there was a nurses office for students who became ill at school. Today it is a day care center for schoolgirls with babies.

I'm sorry for "unwanted" teenage pregnancies. but I'm also happy for the babies that survived.
I had to post this article as well. Talk about controversial.

However, you all want to know how to take care of all the problems that face the legitimacy of the US government, allow a country to form a fair framework in which to provide the best to everyone with the most legitimacy and openness?

It involves the concept of corporations. I love it. To me, it makes a whole lot of sense. However, most will read this (if any read it) and think of their image of evil corporations, a dark future filled with smog and poisoned waters, baked and scorched land in place of farmland and forests, etc. and miss the entire point.

You have to read the whole thing. It's not too long, and if you can stop thinking, even for five minutes, that the guy is insane and extreme right-wing, and really think about what he's saying, you might get the point, even if you don't agree with it.

A good corporation always has the best interests of its shareholders at heart. It is the very point of its existence.
ElQueso has been a source of inspiration for me with his story about his wife and his inlaws in Paraguay and his future plans. His story and his success have made me think. I know some of you people are thinking, "You silly woman, couldn't you figure this out for yourself?" To which I will ask how many of YOU are doing it, I'd like to hear your stories, which probably would be inspirational as well.

What ElQueso is doing is a return to the community and family values before the government got hold of everything--he is really involved with the people.

I have an Argentine friend in trouble. I won't tell you all her problems but she is a neighbor who sometimes has problems paying her expenses now that they are sky-rocketing. I offered help to catch up her expenses but she says no, we are FRIENDS. There is the dignity thing. Some would criticize her and call it foolish pride. Not me. I think a little pride is a good thing.

So ElQueso-style, I think I have found a way for her to make money from home on her computer. She is excited. When all you do is work for the government or work for someone else, you don't learn to think like an entrepreneur. I've tried to encourage her, don't despair--THINK! Think of ways to make money. She would say, "I can't!" Again, I honestly believe thinking is a learned skill as opposed to parroting what we've been told in every way possible (TV, newspapers, university professors, etc.) They have no concept. We get good at thinking by having to do it. If we never have to think that way, we don't learn. That's my own experience.

We shall see. If it works out for her I'll be back to tell you about it.

There is good thinking and good values here on this thread. I, for one, appreciate it. Don't pay attention to the critics and naysayers. No one ever stepped out and did anything worthwhile without incurring criticism. I say ignore their horns and keep moving forward. We are not going to change human nature, but perhaps we can make a difference in our world! I'm trying also.
One more comment. I don't agree about the Constitution article and I think Lincoln was a criminal! (and it is perfectly okay to disagree on some point!!!) In the beginning the states were sovereign. The constitution specifically limits the federal government and stipulates that all other powers reside in the individual State. That's because one state could not take over the country. It was diversification of powers all over the place in the original constitution. If you didn't like what your state was doing, you could vote with your feet. Remember the guy that, when asked, "What have you given us" replied, "A republic--if you can keep it."

They knew a republic was the best form for freedom and a democracy always ends up in dictatorship. Sadly we did not "keep it." We allowed ourselves to be bought off. We sold out.

We should have known that, for example, Social Security is unconstitutional. So is income tax. One interesting story of earlier Americans is my husband's grandfather. When they instituted Social Security they went to his farm house to sign him up. He had lost both legs. He told them get off his farm, they were going to bankrupt the country. He was right. He refused SS and banned them from his farm. The handout was offered, but he turned it down. He had principles!

But alas, there were lots of people who thought having the government take care of them in old age was a good idea. It was unconstitutional as all get out, but they began to compromise and lose the constitution and the freedom our founders handed to us. But a LOT of those early Americans back then understood. How many, even on this forum, understand today? We have come to the end game--we are in a mess--but how many have a clue?

My interest in economics has inspired an interest in cycles. I think human nature always finally corrupts the system no matter how pure. Our empire is near the end of the cycle. Always in the end there is a feeding frenzy with citizens willing to plunder each other and politicians plundering their own citizens. The country is feeding on itelf. So I think the best thing for us to do is see reality clearly, and make good decisions to mitigate against what is ahead. The good news is that it IS possible to do that IF we understand what is going on.
ElQueso said:
PhilinBSAS, just because I criticize both the US and Argentina, why would you presume that I hate either one of them? You are, indeed, quite presumptuous. I draw conclusion from a statement such as you made that you have no earthly idea why I am even here and are not qualified to make such broad, sweeping characterizations.

Nope just responding with my POV - like it or lump it . If you display all your internal psychological tensions in your copious postings then be prepared for some helpful analysis or alternatively go to a professional. As far as I know there are no entry qualifications for posting stuff here but I am happy to acknowledge you are here because you are here :)

ElQueso said:
Whether in love or hate, your posts here, and in at least one other place where you have tried to use sarcasm to belittle something I have to say, are quite condescending. If you don't like the topic, if you think I suffer from vomit of the keyboard, or whatever other problem you may have with me, this topic and at least one other in which I've written about similar issues, just ignore it.

Not sure where or what you mean but something seems to have upset you so get over it - start another therapy session? Personally I dont keep a tally

Not good to vomit over your keyboard I imagine but havnt gone that far myself. When drunk don#t press the return key is good advice to follow

ElQueso said:
Or ignore me if you think me ignorant and what we are discussing not worthy of a real discussion. Or, preferable to me, tell us why, in your personal accumulation of knowledge, you think I'm whacked. Aside from writing a lot which is the only concrete thing I see that you've had to say.

If you post something on here then you are opening yourself up to responses and not always the ones that you like

Umm? concrete thing? not sure I understand what you are going on about there chum

ElQueso said:
Largate = Spanish for get outta here

Thanks for the spanish lesson I'm sure I'll find that useful but I've observed and heard flung around a lot more funny, obscene, original porteno phrases that are common currency.

But wasnt it one of your great leaders who said "if you dont like the heat stay out of the kitchen?"

This place isnt your private preserve for you and your mates try to be less thin skinned and cranky even when imbibing in morose self pity

You seem to have woken up with a pretty severe hangover!

Stay Calm and Carry on!

ElQueso said:
= piss off :)

If you dont want other people's opinions then why not say so at the beginning of your post?

Piss off is mild - in comparison with some of the stuff flying around here! :)

Thanks for the well meaning advice and have a nice life

ElQueso said:
= piss off :) Meant with all due respect.

moi? sarcasm??
steveinbsas said:
I hope you were referring to me.

I just popped the cork on a magnum of malbec and I'm just getting warmed up for an "evening of prolification" (to coin a new and intentionally misspelled phrase). :p

cheers! :)
steveinbsas said:
. I support the Constitution of the USA, even though the current president does not...and hasn't since the moment he took the oath to do so (his first lie as I posted here then).

I'm interested in Argentina. What's the constitution of the USA got to do with anything here?

Wrong hemisphere!!

At least the malbec is as good as anywhere!
ElQueso said:
"Basta" works as well. But yeah, Bastante doesn't quite fit the bill.


Not my post but it took about half a nanosecond to find out whether Bastante can used to say "enough" with emphasis

Bastante is a Spanish word meaning "enough," or at times "sufficient." For example, Cayó bastante lluvia (Enough rain fell.)

So my original posting near enough Spot On I'd say :)

Guess I'd try and concentrate on getting little things right first before then spouting on and handing out corrections like some sort of master of the universe
i've posted this before in other threads but it's worth repeating here:

1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
3. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
4. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
5. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
6. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
7. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
10 You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.

- Rev. William J. H. Boetcker