For a tourist from the US $800 a month is cheap. I lived in Sayulita, Mexico for five years prior to arriving in BA in 2006. Check out the rental rates on for Sayulita and compare them with BA.
Having a DNI does make it possible to rent an apartment much cheaper in BA, but (as you know) the lease is usually for two years, rquires a guarantee, and the apartments are unfurnished (usually not even including a fridge, curtains, or light fixtures).
I don't have a DNI & I don't pay "tourist" rates. You don't NEED a DNI to rent property at the "normal" rate.
I'm waiting to hearing of anyone who recently got their DNI in a month.
Residency visa & DNI are not the same thing. From what I've been reading the last few weeks I think some people have that confused. You can get your residency visa in a month (not including preparation, gathering paperwork, etc).
Please update us when you get your DNI then. I'd be curious to see how long it really does take.
You've still not said though on what basis is your residency permit, did you get permanent first or temporary? How you got it & how long that took? Did you use the same company or did you do that yourself?
Your begin cryptic which makes it all very suspicious.
Hmmm.. The law is fairly clear on how residency is to be obtained, the processes, and also how any irregularities on obtaining such can result on its revocation and deportaion, etc. Migraciones also states that work visas holders (temporary residents) must renew 3 times (over a period of 3 years) before being eligible for a permanent residency visa, and thus a permanent DNI. I would be very suspicios of anyone who promises otherwise, no matter how well "connected" they might be. It can certainly come back to bite you in bad way. Good luck.
Out of interest, Milo, what is your original nationality and your first language? I'm just looking for some context to your very prolific output, these past few days.