Richard Stallman, founder of the FSF, robbed in Argentina

el_expatriado said:
Did you actually enroll in the UBA as an undergraduate degree program or are you taking some of the courses "extensión universitaria". Because the latter (i.e. paid courses with professors who show up on time, etc) has nothing at all to do with the undergrad experience. I have taken extensión universitaria courses at the UBA and the experience and the professors are very different.

Suspect I'm a little old to enroll as an undergrad!!!
PS: What is it with people and communism? I mean if you're 70, I can see having been frightned by it in the 1950's, but come on, in theory it's much better than capitalism.
JoeBlow said:
Jesus was a communist, as you know, so Im thinking it wasn't one of the commies.

That is really offensive. Jesus wasn't anything that ended in -ist.
JoeBlow said:
PS: What is it with people and communism? I mean if you're 70, I can see having been frightned by it in the 1950's, but come on, in theory it's much better than capitalism.

I am not frightened by it. I am just pointing out that it is a destructive force and good upstanding people should do their best to squash or spray it wherever it rears its ugly head.
el_expatriado said:
I am not frightened by it. I am just pointing out that it is a destructive force and good upstanding people should do their best to squash or spray it wherever it rears its ugly head.

Why destructive?
el_expatriado said:
Communist, socialist, montoneros, I don't care what you call it. It's the same rotten philosophy that legitimized mass crime by the state and was responsable for the deaths of 90+ million people worldwide.

I hear what you are saying el_ex, but things aren't always so black and white. My experience is that most of the students and professors just want to learn and teach. Sure, some are more left-leaning that what you would find in UCA. Crap, Bob Jones University is probably more left-leaning than UCA.

I've seen most of the things your wife mentioned with my own eyes. (Except the bomb threat. That I experienced several times in high school in the US.) It's also similar to what you would experience in public hospitals. This isn't because students/faculty prefer it to be that way. It's directly related to funding.

Speaking of, some very brilliant, internationally recognized professors at UBA have to take day jobs and/or teach at other universities in order to pay the bills. Yet, they continue to teach at UBA because they like it. They are not communists, nor even radicals. Just people who like sharing knowledge.

Remember UBA is a free (for undergraduates) university. Compare that with the US. I would take less than clean toilets and leaking buildings over 50K+ debt for a B.A. degree.